[ros-users] object grasping pipeline and tutorials

René Ladan r.c.ladan at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 12:45:29 UTC 2010

I'm running database_interface, household_objects_database, and
from trunk now, the rest of the installation is c-turtle.

Two questions:
* what is the topic name of the pointcloud2 message?
* what is the SQL scheme of the object database?


2010/7/15 Matei Ciocarlie <matei at willowgarage.com>:
> Added some fixes to trunk. Thanks for the feedback, it is really
> useful as we prepare the (hopefully) stable 0.2 release.
> Adam: there is now a parameter in pr2_tabletop_manipulation.launch:
> when starting the tabletop_object_detector node, set use_database to
> false and nobody should ever complain about a missing database
> connection.
> Hao: the problem you were having was actually a fairly deep bug,
> should be resolved now..
> Matei
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:28 AM, Matei Ciocarlie <matei at willowgarage.com> wrote:
>> In order to use the database of models, and thus attempt object
>> recognition and execution of precomputed grasps, you need access to a
>> database server. Our server at Willow is currently behind the
>> firewall, which is why you can not connect to it. We are hoping to fix
>> this next week, along with 0.2 release.
>> For now, there are two options:
>> 1)  you can install the database on one of your local machines (or
>> even on the robot itself). You can find instructions for installing a
>> PostgreSQL server on a ubuntu machine here:
>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/icra_manipulation_demo/Tutorials/Install%20the%20model%20database%20server%20on%20a%20new%20robot
>> after you are done with the installation of the server, let me know
>> and I will provide the database backup file.
>> 2) do not perform object recognition and grasp objects as unknown
>> point clusters. I need to put in a flag somewhere in the detection
>> code so that if the database is not present, it will just default to
>> this other option instead of crashing. I will do that later today.
>> Matei
>> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Adam Leeper <aleeper at stanford.edu> wrote:
>>> I tried this and got these errors. Am I missing some files you have there
>>> locally?
>>> process[tabletop_node-35]: started with pid [8301]
>>> [ERROR] [WallTime: 1279072996.735706295]: Database connection failed with
>>> error message: could not connect to server: Connection refused
>>> Is the server running on host "localhost" and accepting
>>> TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
>>> could not connect to server: Connection refused
>>> Is the server running on host "localhost" and accepting
>>> TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
>>> [ERROR] [69.915000000]: Failed to open model database on host localhost,
>>> port 5432, user willow with password willow, database models
>>> [FATAL] [69.915000000]: BREAKPOINT HIT
>>> file =
>>> /home/aleeper/ros/overlays/tabletop_object_perception/tabletop_object_detector/src/tabletop_node.cpp
>>> line=241
>>> [tabletop_node-35] process has died [pid 8301, exit code -5].
>>> Adam Leeper
>>> Stanford University
>>> aleeper at stanford.edu
>>> 719.358.3804
>>> On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Matei Ciocarlie <matei at willowgarage.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Adam,
>>>> The entire grasping pipeline has undergone significant rewriting in
>>>> preparation for release. We are hoping to do an 0.2 release of it at
>>>> the end of this week, complete with documentation, a stable API, etc.
>>>> In the meantime, if you wanted to be an "early adopter" and check out
>>>> the 0.1 version that would be great, as your feedback would help us
>>>> for 0.2. You can get the most up to date version using the following
>>>> .rosinstall overlay file:
>>>> https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg/trunk/rosinstall_files/cturtle/pr2_manipulation-cturtle-pr2all-overlay-devel.rosinstall
>>>> To use an overlay file, you would first do a normal ROS insallation
>>>> (of cturtle in this case), then use the overlay file like this:
>>>> rosinstall target_directory overlay_file_path
>>>> And be sure to prepend the target directory to your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
>>>> To start the manipulation pipeline, use
>>>> roslaunch pr2_tabletop_manipulation_launch
>>>> pr2_tabletop_manipulation.launch
>>>> There is no documentation on the wiki yet (we are writing it this
>>>> week) but the code itself is well documented. You can get an idea of
>>>> how to run it bu looking in the package pr2_pick_and_place_demos,
>>>> which contains both Python and C++ examples.
>>>> Let me know if you have any questions, we'll be glad to assist you.
>>>> Matei
>>>> On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Adam Leeper <aleeper at stanford.edu> wrote:
>>>> > Hi-
>>>> > I was trying to follow this tutorial to grab things in
>>>> >
>>>> > simulation: http://www.ros.org/wiki/arm_navigation/Tutorials/Running%20the%20object%20pickup%20pipeline
>>>> > but it seems the names of the packages have changed (I realize that
>>>> > tutorial
>>>> > was last edited February 4th...). Anyway, I found the pr2_arm_navigation
>>>> > stack but can't seem to find anything directly related to what is
>>>> > referenced
>>>> > in the tutorial.
>>>> > I realize the whole stack is probably still going through a lot of
>>>> > changes,
>>>> > but do the launch files from that tutorial still exist in some form?
>>>> > What is
>>>> > the "easy" way of trying out some basic grasping?
>>>> > Thanks,
>>>> > Adam
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Adam Leepercoffee
>>>> > Stanford University
>>>> > aleeper at stanford.edu
>>>> > 719.358.3804
>>>> >
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>>>> >
>>>> --
>>>> Matei Ciocarlie
>>>> Research Scientist
>>>> Willow Garage Inc.
>>>> 650-475-9780
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>> --
>> Matei Ciocarlie
>> Research Scientist
>> Willow Garage Inc.
>> 650-475-9780
> --
> Matei Ciocarlie
> Research Scientist
> Willow Garage Inc.
> 650-475-9780
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