[ros-users] Sick requires more initialisation time in 'sicktoolbox_wrapper'

Eric Perko wisesage5001 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 15:06:53 UTC 2010


Are you starting up the Sicktoolbox Wrapper before the LIDAR has
booted and shown a green LED? If so, is there a reason that the node
is booting so quickly and beating the LIDAR.

Whenever I startup my sicklms node, the LIDAR has had time to
initialize and has the green LED lit. Usually that is the case, as it
takes longer for the ROS PC to boot than for my LMS291 to initialize
when I power on the entire system. As long as I start it with the
green LED lit, I don't really get errors initializing.

Another option might be to put the sicklms node in a launch file and
it to respawn the node whenever it dies; eventually it should startup
with the LIDAR ready to go.

- Eric

On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Renato Samperio
<mintaka_alnitak at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> My SICK LMS 200, requires around 25 seconds for being initialised. Currently
> the sicklms node that can be found in sicktoolbox_wrapper (and by following
> the tutorials) generates an error as there is not enough time for showing a
> green led on.
> I have been looking around the Sick LIDAR Matlab/C++ Toolbox, and I am not
> sure whether it is a good idea to modify the option
> DEFAULT_SICK_LMS_SICK_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT for increasing the waiting time from
> all sensor messages.
> Moreover, I updated the file: `rospack find
> sicktoolbox_wrapper`/ros/sicklms/sicklms.cpp for waiting 20 seconds and call
> again sensor initalisation with something like this:
>     try{
>          sick_lms.Initialize(desired_baud);    //desired_baud=38400
>     }
>     catch (...)
>     {
>         int time_wait=20;
>         if(!sick_lms.IsInitialized()){
>           sleep(time_wait);
>           sick_lms.Initialize(desired_baud);   //desired_baud=38400
>         }
> After doind this the node works. However, does anyone has a better idea of
> how to correct such issue?
> Kind regards,
> Renato.
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