[ros-users] ROS install error: WARNING: Rosdeps [u'log4cxx', u'boost', u'boost', u'log4cxx'] could not be resolved

Tully Foote tfoote at willowgarage.com
Thu Jun 17 01:01:45 UTC 2010

Hi Mark,
This is the right place.

The problem you are having is that squeeze isn't yet released.  And we 
only have partial coverage of squeeze in our automatic dependency 
installation methods.

You can finish the install by running with the -n option.  You will then 
need to manually install the listed dependencies.  Then a "rosmake 
--no-rosdep rostest" will get you started.

After that I would suggest that you manually install the dependencies 
manually checking a package using rosdep depdb or satisfy commands to 
see the errors.  Then use rosmake --no-rosdep to compile after manually 
resolving the dependencies.

There used to be a way to override the OS detection from the command 
line but that seems to have been lost in the last rewrite.  I've 
ticketed it to be replaced https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/2814


On 06/16/2010 06:15 AM, Mark Worsdall wrote:
> Hi,
> OS:debian version:squeeze
> Installing as root (tried as a user, same errors)
> Would this be the correct mailing list to ask for help/ideas regards ROS
> install problems? In case yes, details below. If no oops sorry.
> Command used: (tried turtlebox same error)
> ./rosinstall /opt/ros http://ros.org/rosinstalls/latest_base.rosinstall
> [ rosmake ] Generating Install Script using rosdep then executing. This
> may take a minute, you will be prompted for permissions. . .
> [ rosmake ] [ make ] Failed to find rosdep log4cxx for package rostest
> on OS:debian version:squeeze
> [snip]
> WARNING: Rosdeps [u'log4cxx', u'boost', u'boost', u'log4cxx'] could not
> be resolved
> log4cxx is installed so manually installed log4cxx-dev
> Still same error.
> So tried installing manually boost
> (boost--build and bjam)
> Still same error.
> I have the full install details saved and can send the install log files
> from .ros/
> M.

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