[ros-users] calling a service in rospy without a type

Rosen Diankov rosen.diankov at gmail.com
Fri Jun 18 23:32:36 UTC 2010

small correction:

"without specifying the topic name"->
"without specifying the service type class, and only specifying topic name"


2010/6/18 Rosen Diankov <rosen.diankov at gmail.com>:
> Because service types are passed when the hand shacking between two
> clients occurs, it seems that it would, theoretically, be possible to
> call a service from rospy without specifying the topic name:
> rospy.ServiceProxy('myservice')(myparam=1)
> The internal rospy mechanics could import the correct service
> depending on the type.
> In fact, is it really necessary to specify the python service class if
> a user doesn't particularly care what the service type is? Not having
> to declare a service type could reduce the number of explicit imports
> in a python code, and potentially make python code independent of the
> types.
> I guess this argument would also apply to the subscribers of topics..
> rosen,

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