[ros-users] TrajectoryPlannerROS does not take parameter

Eitan Marder-Eppstein eitan at willowgarage.com
Mon Jun 21 19:30:22 UTC 2010


Sorry that its taken me so long to get back to you. Things have been really
hectic for me at work lately and I wanted to get a chance to sit down and
use the configuration files you sent in to try to reproduce the problem.
With that said, I've attempted to reproduce your problem using navigation
1.0.7 and your configuration files running in stage and have been unable to
do so. For me, the velocity limits always fall between those specified by
the parameters. I took a look at the bag files you posted, and I definitely
agree that something is publishing velocity commands outside of the
specified range and even backwards which is really weird... but I just can't
get my setup to do this.

I guess I have a few more questions that I hope will help to shed light on

1) Is this something that you can reproduce in a simulator like stage or
gazebo? If so, could you tar or zip the directory with all of your
launch/configuration files and send it to me so I can test the exact same
thing you have? Like I mentioned before, I copied the files you posted, and
should've been pretty close on this attempt, but was unable to reproduce the
problems you're seeing. If you were to get the bug to occur reliably in
simulation, I'm pretty confident that I could track it down. If you can't
get the problem to occur in simulation, this will also give clues about
whether something specific to your robot is exposing the bug.

2) How often do you see this behavior? Is it every time you run the robot,
or does it only occur when you give certain goals or something weird like

3) Can you check your odometry source and make sure that it is publishing
reasonable values for the robot. I'm wondering if there's a case where
really bad odometry values expose a bug in the code or something funny like

I wish that I could provide more insight, but I'm afraid this is the best I
can do for now. Sorry again in taking some time getting back to you.

Hope all is well,


On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 8:23 AM, Christian Verbeek <
verbeek at servicerobotics.eu> wrote:

> Dear Eitan,
> Do you have any suggestions or hints what I could try to overcome this
> weird behaviour like driving backwards? To get a robust and meaningful
> path planning is critical to my whole project and the main reason why I
> give ROS a try in my projects.
> Regards
> Christian
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