[ros-users] Actuating a wheeled robot URDF model in gazebo

John Hsu johnhsu at willowgarage.com
Tue Jun 29 19:01:23 UTC 2010

There is an erratic model in gazebo with 2dnav stack hooked up.
You'll need to get the unreleased wg-ros-pkg repository for this to work,

svn co https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg/trunk wg-ros-pkg-unreleased

The package is:


This is an unreleased stack, but should be in working state:

rosmake erratic_gazebo
roslaunch erratic_gazebo erratic_2dnav_demo.launch

Let me know if you run into any issues.

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 11:53 AM, David Feil-Seifer <
david.feilseifer at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to make a urdf model for the pioneer 3dx robot that can be
> used in gazebo. The robot is a 2-wheeled diff drive robot with a singe
> rear caster.I have the robot visualizing correctly in rviz. However, I
> want this robot to be drivable. I am a little unclear from the wiki
> tutorials regarding gazebo and urdf on how to accomplish this? Is the
> GazeboRosDiffdrive node something that I could use for the pioneer as
> well as the erratic? What information do I need to have about the
> pioneer in order to make a urdf model work in gazebo?
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