[ros-users] tf package compile fail on beagleboard

Enea Scioni enea.scioni at student.unife.it
Thu Mar 18 08:57:36 UTC 2010

Hi ros users,
I'm trying to use ROS framework on BeagleBoard, the installation was
completed with success.
The problem is when I try to compile the tf package: all the dipendences
(26) are resolved, but when rosmake try to compile only the tf package, an
error occour.

cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-msse3"

and I don't know what kind of error it is.

Unfortunately, without tf package I can't do too much and I need to resolve
this problem...any idea?
I send also the build_output.log in attachment.

Thank you!

Enea Scioni
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