[ros-users] gazebo crashes when trying to run pr2

John Hsu johnhsu at willowgarage.com
Tue Mar 9 21:26:48 UTC 2010

while you can reproduce the error, can you recompile gazebo with debug
(search gazebo/Makefile and replace "release" with "debug" then recompile)
and produce a backtrace?

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Josh Faust <jfaust at willowgarage.com> wrote:

> Whoops, wrong link.  Here's the right one:
> https://code.ros.org/discuss/ros-users/browse_frm/thread/1044/3768
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Josh Faust <jfaust at willowgarage.com>wrote:
>> This is the same issue as
>> https://code.ros.org/discuss/ros-users/browse_frm/month/2010-02/337
>> Can you try the patch John sent and see if it works?
>> John, this exception really needs to be caught and the texture
>> automatically downres'd.  There are a *lot* of cards that do not support
>> textures > 2048 on a side.
>> Josh
>> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 10:03 AM, John Hsu <johnhsu at willowgarage.com>wrote:
>>> Hi Michal,
>>> this is one issue we have seen quite consistently with ati cards.  Can
>>> you try installing the latest driver from ATI and try again?  I don't have
>>> the hardware to test it here.  So far, we have successfully run Gazebo/Ogre
>>> mostly with nvidia cards/drivers (see
>>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/simulator_gazebo/SystemRequirements)
>>> as usual, patches are welcome.
>>> best,
>>> John
>>> On Mar 9, 2010 9:15 AM, <Michal.Stolba at cis.strath.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to run the pr2 simulation in gazebo, but when I run:
>>> roslaunch gazebo empty_world.launch (which launches gazebo just fine)
>>> and
>>> roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2.launch
>>> the last command spits out a lot of warnings such as:
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of
>>> [follower]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [wavefront] of
>>> [2dnav_erratic]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [wavefront] of [2dnav_stage]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [teleop_anti_collision] of
>>> [2dnav_texas]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [nodelet] of [pcl]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of
>>> [pr2_ik]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [experimental_controllers] of
>>> [pr2_ik]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [robot_actions] of
>>> [sbpl_door_planner_action]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [pr2_robot_actions] of
>>> [sbpl_door_planner_action]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of
>>> [sbpl_arm_planner_node]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [robot_voxelizer] of
>>> [sbpl_arm_planner_node]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of
>>> [or_robot_self_filter]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [experimental_controllers] of
>>> [wheel_odometry_calibration]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [robot_actions] of
>>> [pr2_laser_tilt_actions]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency
>>> [approximate_time_synchronizer] of [dp_ptu47_pan_tilt_stage]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency
>>> [approximate_time_synchronizer] of [dp_ptu47_pan_tilt_stage]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [qpOASES] of [multibooster]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of
>>> [people_package]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [deprecated_msgs] of
>>> [people_package]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [robot_actions] of
>>> [people_package]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [pr2_robot_actions] of
>>> [people_package]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [topic_synchronizer] of
>>> [people_package]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [topic_synchronizer2] of
>>> [people_package]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [color_calib] of
>>> [people_package]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_sequencing] of
>>> [people_package]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [person_following_planner] of
>>> [people_package]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of
>>> [leg_detector]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [deprecated_msgs] of
>>> [leg_detector]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [topic_synchronizer] of
>>> [leg_detector]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_sequencing] of
>>> [leg_detector]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of
>>> [filter]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [deprecated_msgs] of [filter]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [topic_synchronizer] of
>>> [filter]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [topic_synchronizer2] of
>>> [filter]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_sequencing] of
>>> [filter]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [topic_synchronizer] of
>>> [people_aware_nav]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [robot_actions] of
>>> [people_aware_nav]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [deprecated_msgs] of
>>> [follower]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [robot_actions] of [follower]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [pr2_robot_actions] of
>>> [follower]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [person_following_planner] of
>>> [follower]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of
>>> [follower]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [wavefront] of
>>> [2dnav_erratic]
>>> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [wavefront] of [2dnav_stage]
>>> and gazebo crashes with following error:
>>> BAYER_BGGR8 not supported, using default Ogre::PF_R8G8B8
>>> BAYER_BGGR8 not supported, using default Ogre::PF_R8G8B8
>>> [ INFO] 431.963999997: trigger_mode trigger_mode streaming
>>> terminate called after throwing an instance of
>>> 'Ogre::RenderingAPIException'
>>>  what():  OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Zero sized texture
>>> surface on texture high_def_sensor_RttTex face 0 mipmap 0. Probably, the
>>> GL driver refused to create the texture. in
>>> GLTexture::_createSurfaceList at OgreGLTexture.cpp (line 405)
>>> I thought it might be because of bad opengl support, so I had a new card
>>> installed:
>>> openGL Renderer: ATI Radeon 9600 Series
>>> OpenGL Version: 2.1.8087 Release
>>> But the problem persists.
>>> What could be wrong? Am I missing some important package? Any hints?
>>> Thank you very much,
>>> Michal Stolba
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