[ros-users] Graphics card selection for running gazebo

Pal, Arnab apal1 at uncc.edu
Fri Mar 12 14:48:36 UTC 2010

hi all,
I am in a fix about which graphics card to choose for my new laptop.
I am buying this laptop for using ROS, specifically for the Gazebo simulator.
I have already looked at the list of tested and running graphic cards mentioned on the " simulator_gazebo/System Requirements" page.
Is gazebo supported only by these mentioned graphic cards, or can I go for more high end cards.

I need to select the graphics card very soon. SO please someone reply to my query.
I just want to make sure that once I buy a laptop with suppose a GEforce 1024mb card, and Gazebo does not support it, then it will be a total waste. SO please reply soon.

Kind regards,
Arnab Pal.
Graduate student, ECE department.
Lee College Of Engineering.

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