[ros-users] unable to build gazebo on ROS

yatish ymishra at asu.edu
Tue May 18 18:24:49 UTC 2010

Thanks a lot for replying. i did what u asked me to do. following is the

After doing make wipe and make, i get the following output

You have OGRE 1.6 locally, making a soft link to the system version.

I had ogre3d installed on the system before but i did make clean in my
previously ogre3d installation and then manually deleted the files/folder
which were still there after make clean.

I think my inode still has ogre3d in it and that is why it is not letting
ROS to build ogre on its own. 

View this message in context: http://ros-users.122217.n3.nabble.com/unable-to-build-gazebo-on-ROS-tp825834p827125.html
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