[ros-users] Tutorial doubts

Tully Foote tfoote at willowgarage.com
Tue May 25 22:02:16 UTC 2010

I've replied inline.

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 8:48 AM, Narasimhan Rajagopal <
narasimhan1990 at yahoo.co.in> wrote:

> i have ubuntu 10.04. i have installed ROS using the precompiled
> binaries(karmic ubuntu 9.10) method. i installed ROS only(didn't install
> base and pr2).
> i was following the tutorials when i came across a few problems.
> 1. in this http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Tutorials/NavigatingTheFilesystem
> the command
> "rospack find roscpp"
> returns
> narasimhan at narasimhan-desktop:/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros$ rospack find roscpp
> [rospack] opendir error [No such file or directory] while crawling /opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks
> /opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/core/roscpp
> and if i execute the same command again it returns
> /opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/core/roscpp
> why does the "[rospack] opendir error
>  [No such file or directory] while crawling /opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks" occurs the first time but not the 2nd time.
> It was expecting a directory /opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks which is installed
with the boxturtle stacks.  You can remove it from your
/opt/ros/boxturtle/setup.sh or add the directory or install more of the
boxturtle packages.  TIcketed https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/2738

> 2. the output of these commands
> $ roscd roscpp
> $ pwd
> is
> /opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/core/roscpp
> but the one shown in the tutorial is
> ~/ros/ros/core/roscpp
> and in the next tutorial http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Tutorials/CreatingPackage
> the output of commands
> $ roscd beginner_tutorials
> $ pwd
> is
> /home/narasimhan/ros-tutorials/ros_tutorials/beginner_tutorials
> but the one shown in the tutorial is
> ~/ros/pkgs/ros_tutorials/beginner_tutorials
> my guess is that the tutorials given in the website are written using some previous version of ros
> The tutorials have been updated, to reflect the different possible
locations of ros being installed.

> 3.the command "ros log" gives
> No active roscore
> bash: cd: /home/narasimhan/.ros/log: No such file or directory
> I'm assuming you're talking abour "roscd log" This will take you to the
logging directory on the running core, which you're not running. So it takes
you to the default ros logging directory ~/.ros/log which doesn't exist yet,
because you may not have run anything that produced a log.

> 4.in this http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Tutorials/NavigatingTheFilesystem
> the following packages does not exist in my ROS
> rosls ethercat_hardware/
> rosls laser_
> laser_assembler/                laser_geometry/
> laser_camera_calibration/       laser_head_updater/
> laser_cb_detector/              laser_joint_processor/
> laser_cb_processing/            laser_pipeline/
> laser_drivers/                  laser_scan_publisher_tutorial/
> laser_filters/
> only laser_scan_publisher_tutorial/ exists.
> The tutorial assumed you had more packages installed.  Fixed.

> 5.in this tutorial http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Tutorials/BuildingPackages
> the command
> "rosdep install turtlesim"
> gives output as
> "executing this script:
>  set -o errexit
> #No Packages to install"
> is this ok?
> Yes, all things needed are already installed.

> 6.the command
> $ roscd  turtle_teleop
> $ svn up
> gives output
>  as
> At revision 29804.
> the command
> $ roscd
> $ svn up
> gives output
> Skipped '.'
> is these outputs normal?
> Yes

> 7.the command
> "rosdep install turtle_teleop rxtools"
> gives output
> narasimhan at narasimhan-desktop:/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros$ rosdep install turtle_teleop rxtools
> "[rosstack] opendir error [No such file or directory] while crawling /opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks
> Failed to find stack for package [joy]
> Failed to load rosdep.yaml for package [joy]:Cannot locate installation of package joy: [rospack] opendir error [No such file or directory] while crawling /opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks
> [rospack] couldn't find package [joy]. ROS_ROOT[/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros] ROS_PACKAGE_PATH[/home/narasimhan/ros-tutorials/ros_tutorials:/home/narasimhan/ros-tutorials/ros_pkg_tutorials:/opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks]
> Failed to find stack for package [spacenav_node]
> Failed to load rosdep.yaml for package [spacenav_node]:Cannot locate
>  installation of package spacenav_node: [rospack] opendir error [No such file or directory] while crawling /opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks
> [rospack] couldn't find package [spacenav_node]. ROS_ROOT[/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros] ROS_PACKAGE_PATH[/home/narasimhan/ros-tutorials/ros_tutorials:/home/narasimhan/ros-tutorials/ros_pkg_tutorials:/opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks]
> Failed to find stack for package [ps3joy]
> Failed to load rosdep.yaml for package [ps3joy]:Cannot locate installation of package ps3joy: [rospack] opendir error [No such file or directory] while crawling /opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks
> [rospack] couldn't find package [ps3joy]. ROS_ROOT[/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros] ROS_PACKAGE_PATH[/home/narasimhan/ros-tutorials/ros_tutorials:/home/narasimhan/ros-tutorials/ros_pkg_tutorials:/opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks]
> Failed to find stack for package [wiimote]
> Failed to load rosdep.yaml for package [wiimote]:Cannot locate installation of package wiimote: [rospack]
>  opendir error [No such file or directory] while crawling /opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks
> [rospack] couldn't find package [wiimote]. ROS_ROOT[/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros] ROS_PACKAGE_PATH[/home/narasimhan/ros-tutorials/ros_tutorials:/home/narasimhan/ros-tutorials/ros_pkg_tutorials:/opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks]
> [rosstack] opendir error [No such file or directory] while crawling /opt/ros/boxturtle/stacks
> [rosstack] couldn't find dependency [joystick_drivers] of [ros_pkg_tutorials]
> [rosstack] missing dependency
> executing this script:
>  set -o errexit
> #No Packages to install"
> i think the problem here is in the manifest file of both turtle_teleop and rxtools there is no row specifying system dependencies.
> thanks for reading and please help
> The tutorials require packages from boxturtle-base.  Wiki notes as such

Thanks for the feedback,

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Tully Foote
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.
tfoote at willowgarage.com
(650) 475-2827
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