[ros-users] Nao stack v0.3 released

Armin Hornung HornungA at informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Thu Apr 7 20:21:27 UTC 2011

On 04/07/2011 08:26 AM, cyril.L wrote:
> Taylor, NAO's camera / ROS Image bridge can be done easily.
> In my current experimental setup, a ROS master runs on a PC, some nodes runs on NAO.
> I made this camera bridge running on NAO, but I guess it can work remotely although I don't know if it will lag.
> http://pastebin.com/vUh459KB
> You will need to add the following in your CMakeLists.txt (you can also convert it in python :p)
> rosbuild_add_executable(camera src/camera.cpp)
> use_lib(camera ALCOMMON)
> For those interested, I get mono 160x120 raw ROS images in real time over a wireless network, 320x240 works pretty well too.
> Unfortunately image transport can't help here, compression on NAO takes more time than sending the raw image...
That looks really useful! We only had a simple wrapper so far which was 
slower than that (realtime framerate only in b/w over wireless). Remote 
NaoQI connection (over wireless) was a lot slower, as the data is not 
sent as efficiently as with ROS. But we made the same observation 
regarding compression: When uncompressed, wireless is the bottleneck, 
but for compressed transport it's the Nao's CPU.

A local camera access module (as opposed to remote on the robot) would 
probably work even better, but we haven't gotten that far yet with 
crosscompilation (that was with 1.6). But maybe that will all improve 
once there is official ROS support on the Nao.

Any chance you could add dynamic_reconfigure access to the parameters 
(resolution, camera selection, color space)? Then we would have a 
full-blown camera driver for the Nao that could be packaged and 
released. I would suggest setting the frame_id to either 
"CameraTop_frame" or "CameraBottom_frame", depending on which one is 

> An other thing regarding ROS cross compilation, apr, apr-utils and logcxx were already installed on my NAO (1.10.21).
That's great to know, and definitely makes crosscompilation easier as 
these were the hardest parts  from what I read in Daniel's instructions 
at http://www.ros.org/wiki/nao/Tutorials/Cross-Compiling


>> Great, thanks!
>> Are there any plans to include an interface between NAO's cameras and the ROS Image message api?
>> Right now I am trying to navigate NAO to a red cup for the RoboGames autonomous basketball challenge.  I've been using the NAOqi api for everything on this, but considering the possibilities of using your humanoid_navigation stack.
>> Taylor
>> On Apr 7, 2011, at 2:01 PM, Armin Hornung wrote:
>>> Dear ROS (and Nao) users,
>>> I'm happy to announce the release of version 0.3 of the "nao" stack
>>> (http://www.ros.org/wiki/nao). Along with many bugfixes and
>>> improvements, it is now compatible to ROS cturtle and diamondback with
>>> NaoQI 1.6-1.10. The packages were restructured with all messages now in
>>> nao_msgs (more general and Nao-independent ones are in
>>> humanoid_nav_msgs) for cleaner dependencies. The new nao_tactile node
>>> allows access to Nao's bumpers and touch sensors (thanks to Stefan
>>> Osswald), and a new base_footprint frame enables a better compatibility
>>> with existing planning methods (thanks to Daniel Maier). For a complete
>>> changelog, see:
>>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/nao/ChangeList
>>> The source package release is available at:
>>> http://code.google.com/p/alufr-ros-pkg/downloads/list
>>> or via source checkout from Freiburg's ROS repository:
>>> http://alufr-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/nao/
>>> Best regards,
>>> Armin
>>> -- 
>>> Armin Hornung
>>> Humanoid Robots Lab, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
>>> Contact: http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~hornunga
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Armin Hornung
Humanoid Robots Lab, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Contact: http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~hornunga

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