[ros-users] ROS Diamondback Beta available

Nicholas Butko nbutko at ucsd.edu
Thu Feb 3 20:09:42 UTC 2011


Here's a report for OSX 10.6.6.  Keep in mind that I already have the vast majority of relevant ports installed, so at least the port-based install time was minimal ;). Also, I got lazy and skipped a couple at the end while I was waiting for ogre to (probably not) compile.

Sprinkled throughout there are minor reports about macports dependencies. Major sticking points are: 

test_plugins has undefined symbols problems in poco_lite.  **THIS IS A KILLER, CAUSES MANY STACKS TO FAIL BUILD**
kdl has a small bug in OSX build (see "geometry") **THIS IS AN EASY FIX, PATCH ATTACHED**
A few stacks seem to depend on stacks that aren't fetched. There should be a policy that if a stack is fetched, so are its dependencies. Examples are "documentation", "geometry_tutorials"

A note about turtle_teleop: This stack is currently not being fetched and causes some stacks, e.g. geometry_tutorials, not to build. Historically, this has been a nice example, but it required work to get it to work on OSX. This is because keyboard_teleop works on OSX but joystick_teleop does not (for bluetooth reasons). In the future, it would be nice to split keyboard_teleop and joystick_teleop. 


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rosmake common:  [FAILS]
[ rosmake ] Checking rosdeps compliance for packages common.  This may take a few seconds.                                                 
Failed to find rosdep uuid for package test_nodelet on OS:macports version:macports
Failed to find rosdep uuid for package nodelet_tutorial_math on OS:macports version:macports
Failed to find rosdep uuid for package nodelet_topic_tools on OS:macports version:macports
Failed to find rosdep uuid for package nodelet on OS:macports version:macports
WARNING: Rosdeps [u'uuid', u'uuid', u'uuid', u'uuid'] could not be resolved

fails on "test_plugins" because of undefined symbols in linking poco_lite

rosmake common_msgs:  [PASS]

rosmake common_msgs:  [FAILS]
fails on "test_plugins" because of undefined symbols in linking poco_lite

rosmake diagnostics:  [FAILS]
fails on "test_plugins" because of undefined symbols in linking poco_lite

rosmake documentaiton: [FAILS]
Granite:diamondback_beta nick$ rosmake documentation                                
Failed to find stack for package [vcstools]
Failed to load rosdep.yaml for package [vcstools]
Failed to find rosdep python-sphinx for package rosdoc_rosorg on OS:macports version:macports
Failed to find rosdep python-sphinx for package rosdoc on OS:macports version:macports
WARNING: Rosdeps [u'python-sphinx', u'python-sphinx'] could not be resolved
[ rosmake ] rosdep check failed to find system dependencies: Did not detect packages: ['py25-epydoc']

NOTE1: For macports, add deps py26-sphinx, change py25-epydoc to py26-epydoc
NOTE2: Build fails because can't find stack vcstools.

rosmake driver_common: [PASS]                              
[ rosmake ] rosdep check failed to find system dependencies: Did not detect packages: ['python-cairo']
NOTE: Change dependency to py26-cairo

rosmake executive_smach: [PASS]                              
[ rosmake ] rosdep check failed to find system dependencies: Did not detect packages: ['python-cairo']
NOTE: Change dependency to py26-cairo

rosmake geometry: [FAILS]->[PATCH]->[PASS]                                                                      
Failed to find rosdep glut for package tf_conversions on OS:macports version:macports
Failed to find rosdep glut for package tf on OS:macports version:macports
Failed to find rosdep glut for package eigen_conversions on OS:macports version:macports
Failed to find rosdep glut for package bullet on OS:macports version:macports
WARNING: Rosdeps [u'glut', u'glut', u'glut', u'glut'] could not be resolved
[ rosmake ] rosdep check failed to find system dependencies: Did not detect packages: ['py25-sip']
  if [ `uname` = Darwin ]; then \
  		install_name_tool -id `rospack find kdl`/lib/liborocos-kdl.1.0.dylib kdl/lib/liborocos-kdl.1.0.dylib; \
  install_name_tool: can't open file: kdl/lib/liborocos-kdl.1.0.dylib (No such file or directory)
NOTE1: Change dependency to py26-sip, glut
NOTE2: switch order of install_name_tool arguments!

rosmake geometry_tutorials : [FAILS]
[ rosmake ] Packages requested are: ['geometry_tutorials']                                                                                 
[ rosmake ] Logging to directory/Users/nick/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20110203-102144                                                    
[ rosmake ] Expanded args ['geometry_tutorials'] to:
[ rosmake ] Checking rosdeps compliance for packages geometry_tutorials.  This may take a few seconds.                                     
Failed to find stack for package [turtle_teleop]
Failed to invoke /Users/nick/ros/diamondback_beta/ros/bin/rospack deps-manifests turtle_tf
[rospack] couldn't find dependency [turtle_teleop] of [turtle_tf]
[rospack] missing dependency

rosmake image_plugins:  [FAILS]
fails on "test_plugins" because of undefined symbols in linking poco_lite

rosmake image_pipeline:  [FAILS]
fails on "test_plugins" because of undefined symbols in linking poco_lite

rosmake image_transport_plugins: [FAILS] 
[ rosmake ] Checking rosdeps compliance for packages image_transport_plugins.  This may take a few seconds.                                
Failed to find rosdep libogg for package theora_image_transport on OS:macports version:macports
Failed to find rosdep libtheora for package theora_image_transport on OS:macports version:macports
WARNING: Rosdeps [u'libogg', u'libtheora'] could not be resolved
NOTE: Add ports libogg and libtheora
fails on "test_plugins" because of undefined symbols in linking poco_lite

rosmake laser_pipeline:  [FAILS]
fails on "test_plugins" because of undefined symbols in linking poco_lite

rosmake navigation:  [FAILS]
WARNING: Rosdeps [u'glut', u'glut', u'glut', u'glut', u'nvidia-cg', u'glut', u'glut', u'glut', u'glut', u'glut', u'glut', u'glut', u'glut'] could not be resolved
fails on "test_plugins" because of undefined symbols in linking poco_lite

rosmake perception_pcl:  [FAILS]
WARNING: Rosdeps [u'uuid', u'hdf5', u'glut', u'libqhull', u'libtbb', u'hdf5', u'libqhull', u'libtbb', u'libqhull', u'hdf5', u'libtbb', u'hdf5'] could not be resolved
NOTE: Add following ports: tbb, hdf5-18, qhull
fails on "test_plugins" because of undefined symbols in linking poco_lite

rosmake physics_ode:  [FAILS]
WARNING: Rosdeps [u'libx11', u'libx11'] could not be resolved
NOTE: Opende fails to build with missing symbols, doesn't appear to be linking to libX11. Also, appears to link macports that are 64-bit, and opende tries to build as 32-bit.

rosmake robot_model: [FAIL]                              
NOTE: Colladadom fails to build b/c linked macports are 64-bit, and colladadom tries to build as 32-bit.

rosmake ros: [PASS]                   

rosmake ros_comm: [PASS]             

rosmake ros_tutorials: [PASS]       

rosmake rx: [PASS]                 

rosmake simulator_gazebo: [FAILS]
Fails on opende            

rosmake slam_gmapping: [PASS] 

rosmake vision_opencv: [PASS]         
NOTE: In the past I have had problems with ros's OpenCV because it conflicts with my system version. I haven't tested this on diamondback yet, but I would like to get this worked out.                          

On Feb 2, 2011, at 12:13 AM, Ken Conley wrote:

> http://www.ros.org/news/2011/02/ros-diamondback-beta-release.html
> We request your help in reporting any issues with this initial build.
> thanks,
> -- your friendly neighborhood turtles
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