[ros-users] Stereo image to 3D

Matei Ciocarlie matei at willowgarage.com
Mon Feb 7 17:51:31 UTC 2011

Hi Raul,

Thanks for catching this, I had forgotten that the whole
shift_correction business is in there.

Here's what I noticed:
- if I want to get correct 3D coordinates (e.g. I send the robot's
gripper to one of the points in the cloud and I want it to go to the
correct point in space), then I do the conversion with
shift_correction = false
- if I want the point cloud and the image to align perfectly (e.g.
render the point cloud from the view point of the camera and get
something very close to the monocular image) then I use
shift_correction = true

The first case is probably a lot more common, so if that's what you
are after, use shift_correction = false.

I don't know what the principal point is for images out of Gazebo...


On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 9:02 AM, Raul <rcorreal at tcpsi.es> wrote:
> Hi Matei,
> looking thru your code, and just to confirm... regarding the comment "not
> sure if this is really correct or more of a hack, but without this the image
> ends up shifted", when working with images captured from a camera model in
> Gazebo, given they don't have distortions, I guess in that case the
> principal point actually is the center of the image, right?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Matei Ciocarlie" <matei at willowgarage.com>
> To: "User discussions" <ros-users at code.ros.org>
> Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 5:44 PM
> Subject: Re: [ros-users] Stereo image to 3D
> Hi Dejan,
> Not sure if this will help, but I can point you to some code that
> computes the 3D point cloud starting from a DisparityImage and an
> associated CameraInfo. The DisparityImage should have the pixels in
> the same order as the left monocular image from the stereo pair.
> The code snippets are below; let me know if it doesn't work for you or
> if I forgot to include some function.
> Matei
> ...
>  raw_points_.clear();
>  raw_points_.reserve( current_image_.width * current_image_.height);
>  for (unsigned int i=0; i<current_image_.height; i++)
>  {
>    for (unsigned int j=0; j<current_image_.width; j++)
>    {
>      unsigned int adr = i * current_image_.width + j;
>      float r, g, b, x, y, z;
>      r = g = b = (float) current_image_.data[adr] / 255.0;
>      float disparity;
>      if (hasDisparityValue(current_disparity_image_, i, j))
>      {
>        getPoint(current_disparity_image_.image, i, j, disparity);
>        ROS_ASSERT(current_disparity_image_.max_disparity != 0.0);
>      }
>      else
>      {
>        //this is for points in the image that we have no depth for;
> you can also skip these
>        //points altogether if that's what you prefer
>        //min disparity is zero these days so can not be used
>        //using max disparity causes depth data to be in front of the
> gripper
>        //disparity = current_disparity_image_.max_disparity;
>        //disparity 1.0 should be usable, and project to far far away
>        disparity = 1.0;
>      }
>      ROS_ASSERT(disparity != 0.0);
>      //note that we pass shift_correction = true
>      projectTo3d(j, i, disparity,  current_disparity_image_,
> current_camera_info_, x, y, z, true);
>      ogre_tools::PointCloud::Point point;
>      point.x = x; point.y = y; point.z = z;
>      point.setColor(r,g,b);
>      raw_points_.push_back(point);
>    }
>  }
> //! Get the 3d coordinates of a point, given its image coordinates,
> its disparity value, as well as the
> //! images themselves which contain additional calibration information
> inline void projectTo3d(float u, float v, float disparity,
>                        const stereo_msgs::DisparityImage &disparity_image,
>                        const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo &camera_info,
>                        float &x, float &y, float &z,
>                        bool shift_correction = false)
> {
>  if (shift_correction)
>  {
>      //account for the fact the center point of the image is not the
> principal point
>      //not sure if this is really correct or more of a hack, but
> without this the image
>      //ends up shifted
>      u = u - (disparity_image.image.width/2  - camera_info.P[0*4+2]);
>      v = v - (disparity_image.image.height/2 - camera_info.P[1*4+2]);
>  }
>  float fx = camera_info.P[0*4+0];
>  float fy = camera_info.P[1*4+1];
>  float cx = camera_info.P[0*4+2];
>  float cy = camera_info.P[1*4+2];
>  float Tx = camera_info.P[0*4+3];
>  float Ty = camera_info.P[1*4+3];
>  x = ( (u - cx - Tx) / fx );
>  y = ( (v - cy - Ty) / fy );
>  z = ( 1.0 );
>  float norm = sqrt(x*x + y*y + 1);
>  float depth = disparity_image.f * disparity_image.T / disparity;
>  x = ( depth * x / norm );
>  y = ( depth * y / norm );
>  z = ( depth * z / norm );
> }
> //! Check if a disparity image as a valid value at given image coordinates
> inline bool hasDisparityValue(const stereo_msgs::DisparityImage
> &disparity_image, unsigned int h, unsigned int w)
> {
>  ROS_ASSERT(h<disparity_image.image.height &&
> w<disparity_image.image.width);
>  float val;
>  memcpy(&val, &(disparity_image.image.data.at(
> h*disparity_image.image.step + sizeof(float)*w )), sizeof(float));
>  if (std::isnan(val) || std::isinf(val)) return false;
>  if (val < disparity_image.min_disparity || val >
> disparity_image.max_disparity) return false;
>  return true;
> }
> //! Get the value from an image at given image coordinates as a float
> inline void getPoint(const sensor_msgs::Image &image, unsigned int h,
> unsigned int w, float &val)
> {
>  ROS_ASSERT(h<image.height && w<image.width);
>  memcpy(&val, &(image.data.at( h*image.step + sizeof(float)*w )),
> sizeof(float));
> }
> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Dejan Pangercic
> <dejan.pangercic at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> On 02/05/2011 11:09 AM, Dejan Pangercic wrote:
>>>> Hi there, trivial question i guess but does anyone have an example ROS
>>>> code that projects a set of 2d points from a
>>>> stereo camera (e.g. Pr2's narrow stereo) to a 3d pointcloud? cheers d.
>>> The question is a bit ill-posed or I just didn't understand it. :) Do you
>>> want to obtain the color of a pixel (2D) and
>>> attach it to a 3D point? What is the "2D point from a stereo camera"? Is
>>> the target 3D cloud generated by the same
>>> sensor, or a different sensor? Is calibration available?
>> yeah I agree, I wrote it too much in a hurry.
>> I basically detect a set of features in both left and right camera of
>> PR2's narrow stereo rig (so yes calibration is available) and would
>> now like to get a 3D position for every of these features.
>> cheers, D.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Radu.
>>> --
>>> http://pointclouds.org
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>> MSc. Dejan Pangercic
>> PhD Student/Researcher
>> Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group
>> Technische Universität München
>> Telephone: +49 (89) 289-26908
>> E-Mail: dejan.pangercic at cs.tum.edu
>> WWW: http://ias.cs.tum.edu/people/pangercic
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> --
> Matei Ciocarlie
> Research Scientist
> Willow Garage Inc.
> 650-475-9780
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Matei Ciocarlie
Research Scientist
Willow Garage Inc.

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