[ros-users] stereo camera calibration

Jack O'Quin jack.oquin at gmail.com
Tue Feb 8 15:52:39 UTC 2011

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 2:08 AM, Asghari Oskoei, Mohammadreza
<m.asghari-oskoei at herts.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi, Thomas, Patrick, joq, all

> Thank you for catching, as far as I checked, diamondback binary files still
> are not supporting –approximate=0.01, and svn trunk does not contain all my
> required nodes, such as prosilica_node and cob_app. I wonder if I kept
> working in cturtle and built a node (with cpp lib) which modifies topics’
> time stamp this could solve the sync problem in stereo images. This new node
> will subscribe to topics of two cameras (image_raw and camera_info) and
> publish new topics with same content but the latest time stamp.

I don't think cturtle will work very well. Too many changes since then.

It's tricky to check out the required set of overlays when testing a
bug fix on unstable. That also counts for Diamondback since it's still
in early Beta. There should be an FAQ entry for how to do it.
As best I can tell, you'll need to install at least the basic
Diamondback binaries, then overlay camera_drivers (for
prosilica_camera), cob_apps, and image_pipeline. One method is using
rosinstall, like this (not tested):

 $ rosinstall ~/ros/diamondback_stereo /opt/ros/diamondback
 $ roslocate info cob_apps >> ~/ros/diamondback_stereo/.rosinstall
 $ roslocate info camera_drivers >> ~/ros/diamondback_stereo/.rosinstall
 $ roslocate info image_pipeline >> ~/ros/diamondback_stereo/.rosinstall
 $ rosinstall ~/ros/diamondback_stereo
 $ source ~/ros/diamondback_stereo/setup.bash

At that point you should be able to rosmake all the necessary packages
and run your test. Be sure to source the correct setup.bash in any
other shells you use for testing.

Most likely you'll have to pull in some other build dependency. Last
time I tested with the image_pipeline trunk, it needed "common", which
provides some new symbol definitions. You may need that, too. If so:

 $ roslocate info common >> ~/ros/diamondback_stereo/.rosinstall
 $ rosinstall ~/ros/diamondback_stereo
 $ source ~/ros/diamondback_stereo/setup.bash

I know this is a bit of a hassle, but it really would be valuable to
have some early external tests of this new feature. Please let us know
if you find time to try it (whether it works or not).

Maybe someone else knows a better, cleaner, easier approach? A lot of
this could at least be wrapped in a script, I suppose.

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