[ros-users] Wifi communication getting slow

Steven Bellens steven.bellens at mech.kuleuven.be
Tue Jan 4 15:15:13 UTC 2011


when using ROS to command a mobile base, I'm running a hokuyo_node and
an orocos component node on the mobile base. On my workstation I have
the navigation stack running, which gets laserscan data from the
hokuyo node and sends velocity commands to the orocos component. I
only switched to use the wireless network recently and noticed that,
after running the app for some minutes, it looks like some delay
starts to build up: when I drive the robot with the teleop_keyboard,
after 2 minutes, it starts reacting very slow on my input commands.
What's the best way to determine if the Wifi is indeed the problem
and, if so, can I run this more optimally with ROS considering this



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