[ros-users] How to identify the subscriber or the topic name related to a callback

Markus Bader markus.bader at tuwien.ac.at
Mon Jan 31 13:46:04 UTC 2011


I have multiple subscriber calling the same callback function. How can
I determinate within my callback function the related topic name?
getPublisherName gives me the related publisher but not the topic?

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < topics.size(); i++) {
        sub[i] = n_.subscribe(topics[i], 1000, &MyClass::callback, this);

void callback(const ros::MessageEvent<std_msgs::String const>& event)
  const std::string& publisher_name = event.getPublisherName();
  #Here comes the problem
  const std::string& topic_name = event.?????????();


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