[ros-users] Publishing a vector of point clouds

Radu Bogdan Rusu rusu at willowgarage.com
Fri Jan 21 17:17:36 UTC 2011


On 01/21/2011 05:32 AM, cmuell2s wrote:
> Hello all,
> I stuck at a small problem. I would like to publish a vector/array of
> pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>.
> I couldn't find a sensor_msg or std_msg which would do it, did I
> overlooked sth?

Unfortunately you need to define your own message type for that. So far we only support publishing a single 
pcl::PointCloud<T> type.

In general, if you have a message Foo.msg and you want to send an array of Foo, you need to declare another message 
Bar.msg, which has "Foo[] foo" inside.


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