[ros-users] Need help to install ros-diamondback-turtlebot-robot

br00ks br00ksrom at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 02:59:53 UTC 2011

Hi folks,
I have a problem with ros-diamondback-turtlebot-robot installation. I'm
planning to assemble something like turtlebot described on ros.org, but
instead of netbook, I'm going to use TrimSlice(http://trimslice.com/web/),
which already has Ubuntu. I was following this instructions
http://www.ros.org/wiki/Robots/TurtleBot/diamondback/Robot%20Install but
when I tried to install I got problem that system can not find
package ros-diamondback-turtlebot-robot. I've
checked /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list many times and tried
different mirrows but got same result. When I tried to perform same steps on
virtual Ubuntu 10.4 I was able to install everything how it suppose to be.
But if I'm trying to do it from TrimSlice I got this problem with
unavailable package. I use Ubuntu Natty for Nvidia tegra, may be this
architecture is a problem? Any ideas how I can solve this issue? I'm a
newbie with ROS, and have limited experience with Linux, so a few cents from
you guys can help me a lot. Thanks.
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