[ros-users] ROS Fuerte Beta 1 Now Available

Traveler traveler.hauptman at iit.it
Wed Apr 4 13:42:20 UTC 2012

This is great! A source install under archlinux chokes. Here's what I've 
found so far:

1. wg-deb/catkin is not up to date with willowgarage/catkin, which holds 
some some commits essential to building under archlinux.

2. rosdep platform code in arch.py has a fatal bug. Patch in Ticket #3912

3. rosdep says opencv, pcl, and swig-wx are missing. Not sure how to 
resolve this... I have pcl 1.5 which is a version mismatch I know... I 
faked it by referencing from /etc/ros/... a temporary yaml file pointing 
to my installed pcl/opencv/swig packages.

4. rosmake appears to happily build the things that don't depend on pcl. 
I get a compiler error for pcl_ros and for a bunch of things I get a 
dependency error like:

[rosbuild] Building package depth_image_proc
   Failed to invoke /opt/ros/fuerte/bin/rospack deps-manifests 
   [rospack] Error: package/stack depth_image_proc depends on 
non-existent package pcl

Ideas on how I should proceed? I'd love to get a clean archlinux install 
sorted before fuerte leaves beta...

On 04/04/2012 06:28 AM, Ken Conley wrote:
> Announcement and details here:
> http://www.ros.org/news/2012/04/ros-fuerte-beta-1-now-available.html
>   -- your friendly neighborhood ROS Fuerte packagers
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