[ros-users] Anouncing new ROS repository: summit-ros-stack

Ken Conley kwc at willowgarage.com
Tue Jan 24 19:17:49 UTC 2012

Hi Roberto,

Thanks for the announcement.  I have added the repository to our indexer.


On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Roberto Guzmán <rguzman at robotnik.es>wrote:

> Hi ROS community!
> A ROS stack for the Summit robot is available. The repository includes the
> necessary simulation nodes, teleoperation and some autonomous navigation.
> Please add the Google Code repository to the index:
>   http://code.google.com/p/summit-ros-stack/
> Best Regards,
>   Robert
> -------------------------------------------------
> Roberto Guzman
> Departamento de Ingenieria
> -------------------------------------------------
> Robotnik Automation, SLL
> C/Berni y Catala, 53 bajo
> 46019 - VALENCIA - SPAIN
> -------------------------------------------------
> Tel:       +34 963383835
> Fax:      +34 963383580
> E-mail:  rguzman at robotnik.es
> Internet:  http://www.robotnik.es
> -------------------------------------------------
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