[ros-users] Hokuyo Laserscanner -- Cached parameter is invalid for key [/hokuyo/diagnostic_period]

Christian Atanas Müller christian.mueller at smail.inf.fh-bonn-rhein-sieg.de
Thu Jun 7 11:52:09 UTC 2012

Hey everyone,

I changed from oneric/electric to precise/fuerte and I am using a  
hokuyo laserscanner and a pan-tilt unit to generate via the  
laser_scan_assembler a 3D pointcloud of the scene.

It has worked fine under oneric/electric. However since I changed to  
precise/fuerte the assembled pointcloud generation does not work  

The hokuyo node still publishes single laser scans without a problem.
The begin and end timings of the tilting sequences are sent to the  
laser_scan_assembler node to generate the assembled point cloud. But  
as a result the laser_scan_assembler node returns an empty point cloud.

After some investigation I found out under rxconsole this message from  
the hokuyo node:
   seq: 304666
   stamp: 1339067745.866227001
level: 1
name: /hokuyo
msg: Cached parameter is invalid for key [/hokuyo/diagnostic_period]
function: param::getImpl
line: 184
   topics[0]: /rosout
   topics[1]: /diagnostics
   topics[2]: /hokuyo/parameter_descriptions
   topics[3]: /hokuyo/parameter_updates
   topics[4]: /hokuyo_scan

Does anybody knows why "Cached parameter is invalid for key  
[/hokuyo/diagnostic_period]" --  I guess that causes the error.
Thanks a lot for any help.


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