[ros-users] Getting rqt running / groovy

Dirk Thomas dthomas at willowgarage.com
Mon Nov 26 14:07:06 UTC 2012

Could you please post more details like what are the error messages printed, which versions of the packages do you have installed etc.?
Also I think this should not be asked on ros-users but answers.ros.org.

- Dirk

On 26.11.2012 14:23, Oswald Berthold wrote:
> hi again,
> thanks dirk for your previous answer. i move this little issue to a new
> thread, as the conditions changed. i do have an ubuntu desktop machine
> for testing, so i went ahead and installed ros-groovy-desktop plus
> -rqt. this went well. alas,
> $ rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui
> doesn't serve me, because "qt_gui" isn't found. the "qt_gui*"
> directories do reside in /opt/ros/groovy/share though.
> gladly accepting any hints.
> bst, opt

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