[ros-users] p2os TCP instead of serialport/usb

Mario Grotschar eisen.horn at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 29 14:33:32 UTC 2012


I would like to use the p2os stack to interface an Amigobot, which is an 
Adept MobileRobots (ActivMedia) robot. This robot uses ARIA as firmware, 
and so do Pioneer 2/Pioneer 3 (DX and AT).

According to 
http://www.ros.org/wiki/p2os/Tutorials/Getting%20Started%20with%20p2os a 
computer fixed to the robot is required. I was wondering if the 
p2os_driver also supports to connect via TCP to the robot instead of 
using a serial/usb interface.

In robot_para,ms.h I could see these defines

/* conection stuff */

#define DEFAULT_P2OS_PORT "/dev/ttyS0"

#define DEFAULT_P2OS_TCP_REMOTE_HOST "localhost"


I guess the DEFAULT_P2OS_TCP_REMOTE_HOST refers to the port where to 
publish messages? Is it possible to set the DEFAULT_P2OS_PORT to an 
ethernet interface?

I would like to run both nodes, p2os_driver and telop_keyboard on a 
laptop an have p2os_driver sending the commands to the ARIA firmware via 
wlan. Is this possible?

Thanks for any hints,

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