[ros-users] ros-fuerte-turtlebot package broken?

Tully Foote tfoote at willowgarage.com
Sat Sep 8 06:26:14 UTC 2012

Hi Will,

Thanks for the report It's also ticketed here:
https://code.ros.org/trac/ros-pkg/ticket/5553 It's the same issue the
version locking is automatically done during the build process.

We're rebuilding the repository at the moment.  Unfortunately a release of
one of the core packages was also triggered in the mean time so we're
waiting for a full rebuild.

With respect to source debs.  Right now you can get all the sourcedebs from
one of these two locations:
https://code.ros.org/svn/release/download/stacks/  old release system non
standard layout  new release system standard debian
repo with sourcedebs

In the near future we plan to sync the source debs as well into the public


On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 5:09 PM, William Uther <
willu.mailingLists at cse.unsw.edu.au> wrote:

> Hi all,
>   I've got some turtlebots here that have running ok.  Now they're not,
> and it looks like a recent apt-get update/upgrade broke things.
>   I'm running ubuntu precise i386 and ros packages from packages.ros.org.
>  It seems that package ros-fuerte-turtlebot has an available version
> 1.0.2-s1346415882~precise which depends upon the exact versions of some
> other packages, eg ros-fuerte-ros @ version
> 1.8.10-0precise-20120813-1409-+0000 .  However, that version of
> ros-fuerte-ros is unavailable.  The version of ros-fuerte-ros that is
> available is 1.8.10-0precise-20120830-0532-+0000 and my bot has already
> upgraded to it.  ros-fuerte-turtlebot has been uninstalled as its
> dependencies can't be satisfied.
>   It looks to me like a bunch of ros packages have just been updated, but
> that ros-fuerte-turtlebot either wasn't one of them, or the update to that
> package still points to the old versions of its dependencies.
>   1) Could someone please update the dependencies in the
> ros-fuerte-turtlebot package?
> Also, it would be nice if there was some redundancy so that this didn't
> happen.
>   2) Perhaps  keep one or two older versions of the packages available on
> packages.ros.org so that the dependency can be resolved just by staying
> at/moving back to the older version?
> It would use more disk, but it would make things more redundant.  Also it
> would be really nice if there was an easy way to just fix this myself.  I'd
> like to do an `apt-get source ros-fuerte-turtlebot`, tweak the
> dependencies, compile and install.  But the package sources are not
> available.  It would be nice if they were.  So,
>   3) Make deb sources available?
> (I understand this is planned (
> http://ros-users.122217.n3.nabble.com/Deb-source-packages-tp4018423p4018425.html), so this should count as an additional request :).
> Thanks,
> Will       :-}
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Tully Foote
tfoote at willowgarage.com
(650) 475-2827
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