[ros-users] Hydro Medusa Release Cycle Planning

Tully Foote tfoote at willowgarage.com
Wed Jan 23 02:09:58 UTC 2013

Hi Everyone,

As mentioned in the Groovy announcement we plan to keep the Hydro
development cycle shorter to get back in sync with Ubuntu.  Below is
our tentative plan:

   - Initial Fork Feb 1st
      - pending cleanup of catkin-debs
   - Alpha Feb 25th
      - All PR2 packages catkinized
   - Beta March 25th
      - All packages as if it could be released
      - downloadable as desktop-full deb
      - goal: most packages catkinized even leaf ones
   - Hydro Release April 25

This is documented at the hydro/Planning page [1].

Hydro SIG Process Kickoff

Related to this it is time to start thinking about SIGs.  The process is
relatively simple and flexible.  Basically each SIG gets a wiki page and
mailing list.  If you're interested in organizing one, please create one
following the SIG process [2] and list it on the planning page [1]  and
announce it on ros-users.  There are already a couple started, for those of
you already starting the process please announce your intentions on
ROS-users to let the community know about your efforts.

-- Your ROS Release Team

[1] http://www.ros.org/wiki/hydro/Planning
[2] http://www.ros.org/wiki/sig
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