[ros-users] cannot create account on code.ros.org

Martin Weis martin.weis.newsadress at gmx.de
Thu Jan 31 09:11:55 UTC 2013


I tried to create an account on code.ros.org, but got no confirmation
email (yesterday).

Next I tried the resend email option, but there I get to a page that
asks for the credentials, which are invalid (User does not exist).

The same page pops up for "recover my password".

Next try (today) was with a new account creation ("back to start"). This
time I got a verification email, but on the verification page the
credentials are required and the result is:
Cannot obtain user
(re-translated from the weird german translation "Kann Nutzer nicht

Now the username and email are known to the system (checked with "new
account"), but I cannot validate or log in.

Circled a lot now on the pages, but there seems not be a way in ;)

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