[ros-users] Groovy issue: genlisp generating multiple ASDF references for the same action using catkin

Georg Bartels georg.bartels at cs.uni-bremen.de
Wed Jun 5 12:58:05 UTC 2013

Hi Jan,

I can confirm the issue: When building your provided package 
action_test_catkin with catkin_make the resulting lisp-structures for 
the two actions show up twice in the auto-generated asd-file. As another 
test, I added another two test actions. Then every action defined ended 
up four times in the auto-generated asd-file.

So, it seems with n action definitions a) genlisp gets called n times 
for all action-related messages or b) genlisp gets called with a list of 
messages to build where this list contains the action-related messages n 

Just for reference, I'm running groovy on oneiric 64 bit.


On 06/05/2013 12:43 PM, Jan Winkler wrote:
> Hey guys,
> we just realized a problematic issue when generating action message 
> using the catkin message generation mechanism.
> When catkin_make'ing a package that includes actions, the 
> corresponding messages (`.msg`-files) containing the Request, Result, 
> and Feedback structures are referenced multiple times in the resulting 
> `.asd`-Lisp file for that package.
> This practically breaks loading the message definitions into roslisp, 
> making the message types unusable this way.
> The issue arises once you define more than one action in a package. If 
> only one action is defined, it does not come up. When defining more 
> than one `.action`-file (say, n files) and putting them into your 
> CMakeLists.txt file, the block in the `.asd`-file for that action gets 
> written n times.
> Just for clarification, if a message is defined more than once in the 
> `.asd`-file by the same name (which is the case here), it is 
> unloadable by ASDF (and therefore, roslisp!).
> The issue does not arise when configuring the package as a rosbuild 
> package (i.e. all `.asd`-files get generated just fine).
> The consequence of this issue is, that every package built using 
> catkin has this problem. Actually, the _officially_released_ packages 
> include this error.
> I'm on Quantal (12.10), using ros-groovy. A good example is the 
> `moveit_msgs` package. If you look into the file 
> `/opt/ros/groovy/share/common-lisp/ros/moveit_msgs/msg/moveit_msgs-msg.asd`, 
> you will most probably find, for example, the "PickupResult" file 
> being referenced several times (three times, that is).
> The MoveIt! messages (and any other released catkin package messages 
> including a number of actions > 1) are therefore not usable in ANY 
> roslisp code in groovy.
> I attached a sample setup once configured as a rosbuild package and 
> once as a catkin package. The resulting .asd files for both cases as 
> well as their diff are attached as well (speak `diff 
> action_test_catkin-msg.asd action_test_rosbuild-msg.asd`). As you can 
> see, there is an additional block describing the Test.action and 
> Test2.action messages, hence breaking the load process of the ASDF 
> system.
> We added two individual messages `MessageTest.msg` and 
> `MessageTest2.msg`. These get generated only once in every case.
> Correcting the file by hand makes the ASDF system load and work just 
> fine.
> A wild guess would be that genlisp is doing something wrong when 
> enumerating the things it has to write into the `.asd`-file.
> Can anyone confirm this issue?
> Best regards,
> Jan
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