[ros-users] TurtleBot arm is back on indigo!

Jorge Santos Simón jsantossimon at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 08:37:30 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I have updated most of the turtlebot_arm
to work on Indigo and with MoveIt! <http://moveit.ros.org/>. It’s released
as version 0.3.x (while fuerte version was 0.2.x). The big missing parts
are the  turtlebot_arm_interactive_markers
<http://wiki.ros.org/turtlebot_arm_interactive_markers?distro=fuerte> that
are not really needed now because you can do the same with the RViz moveit
plugin, and the turtlebot_block_manipulation
<http://wiki.ros.org/turtlebot_block_manipulation?distro=fuerte>, that
relays on deprecated stuff. Instead, I added a simple pick and place demo
to show the arm operating with MoveIt! Hopefully, I'll be able to add more
sophisticated demos (like a MoveIt! version of the block manipulation
demo), as soon as I find time to do so!

I also updated the documentation and tutorials, but I’m pretty sure I let
some errors and fuerte staff that doesn't hold anymore, so please, please,
please let me know (or better correct yourself!) any mistakes you find.

Enjoy it!
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