[ros-users] Save the date for the first MoveIt! Community Meeting: Sept. 3, 2015 (Online)

Sachin Chitta robot.moveit at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 03:19:29 UTC 2015

Save the date for the first MoveIt! Community Meeting happening online on
Sept. 3 at 8 AM PST. Confirmed speakers include:

* The State of MoveIt! - Sachin Chitta
* OMPL - Mark Moll, Lydia Kavraki (Rice University)
* ROS-Control - Adolfo Rodríguez Tsouroukdissian (PAL Robotics)
* ROS-Industrial - Shaun Edwards (SwRI)
* Team VIGIR at the DRC - Stefan Kohlbrecher (Technische Universität
* MoveIt! based Implementation of an I-AUV - Dina Youakim, Pere Ridao, and
Narcis Plaomeras (University of Girona)

If you have used MoveIt! on an exciting project or robot and would like to
present your work to the community, please don't hesitate to email me at
robot.moveit at gmail.com by August 11, 2015.

A final agenda and details on how to take part in the meeting will be sent
out next week.

Best Regards,

Sachin Chitta
Founder & CEO
Robotics Stealth Startup
Email: robot.moveit at gmail.com
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