[ros-users] Updates for Indigo

Tully Foote tfoote at osrfoundation.org
Thu Jan 8 18:36:47 UTC 2015

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year!  We have a large batch of new packages available for Indigo
Igloo. These include over 100 new packages as well as over 300 updated

Thank you to the almost 80 maintainers who have made these packages
available as well as the many other people who contributed to the packages
which were released. Your efforts are what make ROS useful for everyone.

Your ROS Release Team

Updates to indigo

Added Packages [120]:
 * ros-indigo-assimp-devel: 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-calibration-setup-helper: 0.10.13-0
 * ros-indigo-canopen-402: 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-canopen-chain-node: 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-canopen-master: 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-canopen-motor-node: 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-carl-tools: 0.0.11-0
 * ros-indigo-catkinize-this: 0.2.3-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-gazebo-plugins: 0.6.1-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-gazebo-ros-control: 0.6.1-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-mimic: 0.6.2-0saucy
 * ros-indigo-cob-model-identifier: 0.6.6-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-omni-drive-controller: 0.6.6-0
 * ros-indigo-combine-dr-measurements: 0.1.2-0
 * ros-indigo-convex-decomposition: 0.1.10-0
 * ros-indigo-designator-integration: 0.0.1-0
 * ros-indigo-dynpick-driver: 0.0.3-0
 * ros-indigo-easy-markers: 0.2.3-0
 * ros-indigo-eus-assimp: 0.1.8-0
 * ros-indigo-euscollada: 0.1.8-0
 * ros-indigo-face-detector: 1.0.8-0
 * ros-indigo-gperftools-21: 2.1.0-1
 * ros-indigo-grizzly-description: 0.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-grizzly-desktop: 0.2.1-0
 * ros-indigo-grizzly-gazebo: 0.2.0-0
 * ros-indigo-grizzly-gazebo-plugins: 0.2.0-0
 * ros-indigo-grizzly-motion: 0.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-grizzly-msgs: 0.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-grizzly-navigation: 0.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-grizzly-simulator: 0.2.0-0
 * ros-indigo-grizzly-teleop: 0.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-grizzly-viz: 0.2.1-0
 * ros-indigo-hrpsys-tools: 1.2.7-0
 * ros-indigo-iai-control-msgs: 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-iai-urdf-msgs: 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-imu-compass: 0.0.5-1
 * ros-indigo-imu-filter-madgwick: 1.0.1-0
 * ros-indigo-imu-tools: 1.0.1-0
 * ros-indigo-innok-heros-driver: 1.0.0-0
 * ros-indigo-innok-heros-lights: 1.0.0-1
 * ros-indigo-interactive-world: 0.0.2-0
 * ros-indigo-interactive-world-msgs: 0.0.2-0
 * ros-indigo-interactive-world-parser: 0.0.2-0
 * ros-indigo-interactive-world-tools: 0.0.2-0
 * ros-indigo-jackal-navigation: 0.4.1-0
 * ros-indigo-jinteractiveworld: 0.0.2-0
 * ros-indigo-joy-listener: 0.2.3-0
 * ros-indigo-jsk-model-tools: 0.1.8-0
 * ros-indigo-jsk-pr2eus: 0.1.6-1
 * ros-indigo-jskeus: 1.0.1-1
 * ros-indigo-julius: 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-kalman-filter: 0.2.3-0
 * ros-indigo-kinect-2d-scanner: 0.1.1-0
 * ros-indigo-laser-filtering: 0.0.2-0
 * ros-indigo-leg-detector: 1.0.8-0
 * ros-indigo-libsensors-monitor: 0.1.2-0
 * ros-indigo-manifest-cleaner: 0.2.3-0
 * ros-indigo-map-laser: 0.0.2-0
 * ros-indigo-mrpt-bridge: 0.1.4-0
 * ros-indigo-mrpt-local-obstacles: 0.1.4-0
 * ros-indigo-mrpt-localization: 0.1.4-0
 * ros-indigo-mrpt-map: 0.1.4-0
 * ros-indigo-mrpt-msgs: 0.1.4-0
 * ros-indigo-mrpt-navigation: 0.1.4-0
 * ros-indigo-mrpt-rawlog: 0.1.4-0
 * ros-indigo-mrpt-reactivenav2d: 0.1.4-0
 * ros-indigo-mrpt-tutorials: 0.1.4-0
 * ros-indigo-mvsim: 0.1.1-0
 * ros-indigo-nlopt: 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-object-recognition-tabletop: 0.3.2-0
 * ros-indigo-openrtm-tools: 1.2.7-0
 * ros-indigo-pano-core: 2.3.1-0
 * ros-indigo-pano-py: 2.3.1-0
 * ros-indigo-pano-ros: 2.3.1-0
 * ros-indigo-people: 1.0.8-0
 * ros-indigo-people-msgs: 1.0.8-0
 * ros-indigo-people-tracking-filter: 1.0.8-0
 * ros-indigo-people-velocity-tracker: 1.0.8-0
 * ros-indigo-person-msgs: 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-pose-cov-ops: 0.1.5-0
 * ros-indigo-pr2eus: 0.1.6-1
 * ros-indigo-rail-collada-models: 0.0.1-0
 * ros-indigo-roboteq-diagnostics: 0.1.1-0
 * ros-indigo-roboteq-driver: 0.1.1-0
 * ros-indigo-roboteq-msgs: 0.1.1-0
 * ros-indigo-ros-canopen: 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-rosbaglive: 0.2.3-0
 * ros-indigo-rosbridge-tools: 0.7.6-0
 * ros-indigo-rosnode-rtc: 1.2.7-0
 * ros-indigo-roswiki-node: 0.2.3-0
 * ros-indigo-roswww: 0.1.3-0
 * ros-indigo-rtctree: 3.0.1-0
 * ros-indigo-rtmbuild: 1.2.7-0
 * ros-indigo-rtshell: 3.0.1-1
 * ros-indigo-rtsprofile: 2.0.0-0
 * ros-indigo-rviz-imu-plugin: 1.0.1-0
 * ros-indigo-sbpl: 1.2.0-1
 * ros-indigo-schunk-sdhx: 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-social-navigation-layers: 0.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-socketcan-interface: 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-swiftnav: 0.13.0-3
 * ros-indigo-tf2-sensor-msgs: 0.5.7-0
 * ros-indigo-turtle-tf2: 0.2.1-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-actions: 2.3.1-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-apps: 2.3.1-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-calibration: 2.3.1-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-dashboard: 2.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-follower: 2.3.1-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-gazebo: 2.2.0-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-interactions: 2.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-interactive-markers: 2.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-navigation: 2.3.1-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-panorama: 2.3.1-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-rapps: 2.3.1-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-rviz-launchers: 2.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-simulator: 2.2.0-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-stage: 2.2.0-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-stdr: 2.2.0-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-teleop: 2.3.4-0
 * ros-indigo-wu-ros-tools: 0.2.3-0

Updated Packages [337]:
 * ros-indigo-actionlib: 1.11.2-0 -> 1.11.3-0
 * ros-indigo-async-web-server-cpp: 0.0.1-0 -> 0.0.2-0
 * ros-indigo-bayesian-belief-networks: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-brics-actuator: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-calibration: 0.10.12-0 -> 0.10.13-0
 * ros-indigo-calibration-estimation: 0.10.12-0 -> 0.10.13-0
 * ros-indigo-calibration-launch: 0.10.12-0 -> 0.10.13-0
 * ros-indigo-calibration-msgs: 0.10.12-0 -> 0.10.13-0
 * ros-indigo-camera-calibration: 1.12.11-0 -> 1.12.12-0
 * ros-indigo-carl-bot: 0.0.10-0 -> 0.0.11-0
 * ros-indigo-carl-bringup: 0.0.10-0 -> 0.0.11-0
 * ros-indigo-carl-demos: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.0.4-0
 * ros-indigo-carl-description: 0.0.10-0 -> 0.0.11-0
 * ros-indigo-carl-dynamixel: 0.0.10-0 -> 0.0.11-0
 * ros-indigo-carl-interactive-manipulation: 0.0.10-0 -> 0.0.11-0
 * ros-indigo-carl-navigation: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.9-0
 * ros-indigo-carl-teleop: 0.0.10-0 -> 0.0.11-0
 * ros-indigo-catkin: 0.6.9-1 -> 0.6.11-0
 * ros-indigo-chatter-concert: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-class-loader: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.3.1-0
 * ros-indigo-cmake-modules: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-base-drive-chain: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-base-velocity-smoother: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.6-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-bringup: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-bringup-sim: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-calibration-data: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-camera-sensors: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-canopen-motor: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-collision-velocity-filter: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.6-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-command-gui: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.6.1-2
 * ros-indigo-cob-command-tools: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.6.1-2
 * ros-indigo-cob-common: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-control: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.6-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-control-mode-adapter: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.6-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-controller-configuration-gazebo: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-dashboard: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.6.1-2
 * ros-indigo-cob-default-robot-config: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-description: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-driver: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-footprint-observer: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.6-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-frame-tracker: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.6-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-gazebo: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-gazebo-objects: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-gazebo-worlds: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-generic-can: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-hardware-config: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-hardware-interface: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.6-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-head-axis: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-interactive-teleop: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.6.1-2
 * ros-indigo-cob-light: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-lookat-controller: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.6-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-monitoring: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.6.1-2
 * ros-indigo-cob-msgs: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-path-broadcaster: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.6-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-phidgets: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-relayboard: 0.6.1-0saucy -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-robots: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-script-server: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.6.1-2
 * ros-indigo-cob-sick-lms1xx: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-sick-s300: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-simulation: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-sound: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-srvs: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-teleop: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.6.1-2
 * ros-indigo-cob-trajectory-controller: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.6-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-twist-controller: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.6-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-undercarriage-ctrl: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-utilities: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-cob-voltage-control: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-admin-app: 0.7.2-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-conductor: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-conductor-graph: 0.7.2-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-master: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-qt-make-a-map: 0.7.2-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-qt-map-annotation: 0.7.2-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-qt-service-info: 0.7.2-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-qt-teleop: 0.7.2-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-schedulers: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-service-admin: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.6-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-service-gazebo: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.6-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-service-indoor-2d-map-prep: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.6-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-service-link-graph: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-service-manager: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-service-teleop: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.6-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-service-turtlesim: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.6-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-service-utilities: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-service-waypoint-navigation: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.6-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-services: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.6-0
 * ros-indigo-concert-utilities: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
 * ros-indigo-cpp-common: 0.5.4-0 -> 0.5.5-0
 * ros-indigo-cv-bridge: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
 * ros-indigo-data-vis-msgs: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-default-cfg-fkie: 0.3.15-0 -> 0.3.16-0
 * ros-indigo-depth-image-proc: 1.12.11-0 -> 1.12.12-0
 * ros-indigo-designator-integration-msgs: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-diagnostic-aggregator: 1.8.4-0 -> 1.8.6-0
 * ros-indigo-diagnostic-analysis: 1.8.4-0 -> 1.8.6-0
 * ros-indigo-diagnostic-common-diagnostics: 1.8.4-0 -> 1.8.6-0
 * ros-indigo-diagnostic-updater: 1.8.4-0 -> 1.8.6-0
 * ros-indigo-diagnostics: 1.8.4-0 -> 1.8.6-0
 * ros-indigo-dna-extraction-msgs: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-downward: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-dynamic-reconfigure: 1.5.37-0 -> 1.5.38-0
 * ros-indigo-dynamic-tf-publisher: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-ecto-opencv: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.5.4-0
 * ros-indigo-ecto-pcl: 0.4.1-0 -> 0.4.2-0
 * ros-indigo-eigen-conversions: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
 * ros-indigo-euslisp: 1.1.26-0 -> 9.1.0-2
 * ros-indigo-ff: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-ffha: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-force-rotate-recovery: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-indigo-gazebo-concert: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-gazebo-msgs: 2.4.6-0 -> 2.4.7-1
 * ros-indigo-gazebo-plugins: 2.4.6-0 -> 2.4.7-1
 * ros-indigo-gazebo-ros: 2.4.6-0 -> 2.4.7-1
 * ros-indigo-gazebo-ros-control: 2.4.6-0 -> 2.4.7-1
 * ros-indigo-gazebo-ros-pkgs: 2.4.6-0 -> 2.4.7-1
 * ros-indigo-gencpp: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-indigo-geneus: 1.1.26-0 -> 2.0.0-0
 * ros-indigo-genpy: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.5.4-0
 * ros-indigo-geometry: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
 * ros-indigo-geometry-experimental: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0
 * ros-indigo-geometry-tutorials: 0.2.0-0 -> 0.2.1-0
 * ros-indigo-grasp-stability-msgs: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-iai-common-msgs: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-iai-content-msgs: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-iai-kinematics-msgs: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-iai-robosherlock-actions: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-icart-mini-control: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-indigo-icart-mini-description: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-indigo-icart-mini-gazebo: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-indigo-icart-mini-navigation: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-indigo-image-cb-detector: 0.10.12-0 -> 0.10.13-0
 * ros-indigo-image-geometry: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
 * ros-indigo-image-pipeline: 1.12.11-0 -> 1.12.12-0
 * ros-indigo-image-proc: 1.12.11-0 -> 1.12.12-0
 * ros-indigo-image-rotate: 1.12.11-0 -> 1.12.12-0
 * ros-indigo-image-view: 1.12.11-0 -> 1.12.12-0
 * ros-indigo-image-view2: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-interactive-markers: 1.11.0-0 -> 1.11.1-0
 * ros-indigo-interval-intersection: 0.10.12-0 -> 0.10.13-0
 * ros-indigo-jackal-control: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0
 * ros-indigo-jackal-description: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0
 * ros-indigo-jackal-desktop: 0.2.0-0 -> 0.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-jackal-diff-drive-controller: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
 * ros-indigo-jackal-gazebo: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.2.3-0
 * ros-indigo-jackal-msgs: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0
 * ros-indigo-jackal-simulator: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.2.3-0
 * ros-indigo-jackal-viz: 0.2.0-0 -> 0.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-jaco-description: 0.0.9-0 -> 0.0.11-0
 * ros-indigo-jaco-interaction: 0.0.9-0 -> 0.0.11-0
 * ros-indigo-jaco-sdk: 0.0.9-0 -> 0.0.11-0
 * ros-indigo-jaco-teleop: 0.0.9-0 -> 0.0.11-0
 * ros-indigo-joint-states-settler: 0.10.12-0 -> 0.10.13-0
 * ros-indigo-jsk-common: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-jsk-footstep-msgs: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-jsk-gui-msgs: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-jsk-hark-msgs: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-jsk-network-tools: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-jsk-roseus: 1.1.26-0 -> 1.1.29-0
 * ros-indigo-jsk-tilt-laser: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-jsk-tools: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-jsk-topic-tools: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-kdl-conversions: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
 * ros-indigo-kobuki-soft: 0.1.0-0 -> 0.1.1-0
 * ros-indigo-kobuki-softapps: 0.1.0-0 -> 0.1.1-0
 * ros-indigo-kobuki-softnode: 0.1.0-0 -> 0.1.1-0
 * ros-indigo-laptop-battery-monitor: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-indigo-laser-cb-detector: 0.10.12-0 -> 0.10.13-0
 * ros-indigo-libmavconn: 0.9.2-0 -> 0.9.4-0
 * ros-indigo-librms: 0.0.1-0 -> 0.0.2-0
 * ros-indigo-libsiftfast: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-linux-peripheral-interfaces: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-indigo-master-discovery-fkie: 0.3.15-0 -> 0.3.16-0
 * ros-indigo-master-sync-fkie: 0.3.15-0 -> 0.3.16-0
 * ros-indigo-mavlink: 2014.11.11-3 -> 2014.12.12-1
 * ros-indigo-mavros: 0.9.2-0 -> 0.9.4-0
 * ros-indigo-mavros-extras: 0.9.2-0 -> 0.9.4-0
 * ros-indigo-message-filters: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-mini-maxwell: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-mk: 1.11.5-0 -> 1.11.6-0
 * ros-indigo-mln-robosherlock-msgs: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-monocam-settler: 0.10.12-0 -> 0.10.13-0
 * ros-indigo-moveit-core: 0.6.12-0 -> 0.6.13-0
 * ros-indigo-moveit-ros: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-moveit-ros-benchmarks: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-moveit-ros-benchmarks-gui: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-moveit-ros-manipulation: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-moveit-ros-move-group: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-moveit-ros-perception: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-moveit-ros-planning: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-moveit-ros-planning-interface: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-moveit-ros-robot-interaction: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-moveit-ros-visualization: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-moveit-ros-warehouse: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-multi-map-server: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-multimaster-fkie: 0.3.15-0 -> 0.3.16-0
 * ros-indigo-multimaster-msgs-fkie: 0.3.15-0 -> 0.3.16-0
 * ros-indigo-multisense: 3.3.9-0 -> 3.4.1-0
 * ros-indigo-multisense-bringup: 3.3.9-0 -> 3.4.1-0
 * ros-indigo-multisense-cal-check: 3.3.9-0 -> 3.4.1-0
 * ros-indigo-multisense-description: 3.3.9-0 -> 3.4.1-0
 * ros-indigo-multisense-lib: 3.3.9-0 -> 3.4.1-0
 * ros-indigo-multisense-ros: 3.3.9-0 -> 3.4.1-0
 * ros-indigo-nao-apps: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-indigo-nao-audio: 0.1.4-0 -> 0.1.5-0
 * ros-indigo-nao-bringup: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-indigo-nao-description: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-indigo-nao-interaction: 0.1.4-0 -> 0.1.5-0
 * ros-indigo-nao-interaction-launchers: 0.1.4-0 -> 0.1.5-0
 * ros-indigo-nao-interaction-msgs: 0.1.4-0 -> 0.1.5-0
 * ros-indigo-nao-pose: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-indigo-nao-robot: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-indigo-nao-vision: 0.1.4-0 -> 0.1.5-0
 * ros-indigo-naoqi-driver: 0.4.2-0 -> 0.4.3-1
 * ros-indigo-naoqi-msgs: 0.4.2-0 -> 0.4.3-1
 * ros-indigo-naoqi-sensors: 0.4.2-0 -> 0.4.3-1
 * ros-indigo-navigation-layers: 0.2.1-1 -> 0.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-node-manager-fkie: 0.3.15-0 -> 0.3.16-0
 * ros-indigo-object-recognition-reconstruction: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-indigo-object-recognition-ros-visualization: 0.3.5-0 -> 0.3.6-1
 * ros-indigo-opencv3: 2.9.1-1 -> 2.9.2-2
 * ros-indigo-openhrp3: 3.1.7-11 -> 3.1.7-12
 * ros-indigo-openrtm-aist: 1.1.0-23 -> 1.1.0-24
 * ros-indigo-opt-camera: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-pluginlib: 1.10.0-3 -> 1.10.1-0
 * ros-indigo-posedetection-msgs: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-rail-ceiling: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.0.4-0
 * ros-indigo-range-sensor-layer: 0.2.1-1 -> 0.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-raw-description: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-robot-localization: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.7-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-app-manager: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-app-manager-tutorials: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-app-platform: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-app-utilities: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-apps: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-concert: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-gateway-graph: 0.7.2-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-gateway-tutorials: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-qt-app-manager: 0.7.2-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-qt-gui: 0.7.2-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-qt-library: 0.7.2-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-qt-listener: 0.7.2-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-qt-master-info: 0.7.2-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-qt-teleop: 0.7.2-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-remocon: 0.7.2-0 -> 0.7.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-tf-reconstructor: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
 * ros-indigo-rocon-tutorials: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-ros: 1.11.5-0 -> 1.11.6-0
 * ros-indigo-ros-comm: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-ros-tutorials: 0.5.1-1 -> 0.5.2-0
 * ros-indigo-rosapi: 0.7.0-0 -> 0.7.7-0
 * ros-indigo-rosbag: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-rosbag-image-compressor: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.4-0
 * ros-indigo-rosbag-storage: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-rosbash: 1.11.5-0 -> 1.11.6-0
 * ros-indigo-rosboost-cfg: 1.11.5-0 -> 1.11.6-0
 * ros-indigo-rosbridge-library: 0.7.0-0 -> 0.7.7-0
 * ros-indigo-rosbridge-server: 0.7.0-0 -> 0.7.7-0
 * ros-indigo-rosbridge-suite: 0.7.0-0 -> 0.7.7-0
 * ros-indigo-rosbuild: 1.11.5-0 -> 1.11.6-0
 * ros-indigo-rosclean: 1.11.5-0 -> 1.11.6-0
 * ros-indigo-rosconsole: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-roscpp: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-roscpp-core: 0.5.4-0 -> 0.5.5-0
 * ros-indigo-roscpp-serialization: 0.5.4-0 -> 0.5.5-0
 * ros-indigo-roscpp-traits: 0.5.4-0 -> 0.5.5-0
 * ros-indigo-roscpp-tutorials: 0.5.1-1 -> 0.5.2-0
 * ros-indigo-roscreate: 1.11.5-0 -> 1.11.6-0
 * ros-indigo-roseus: 1.1.26-0 -> 1.1.29-0
 * ros-indigo-roseus-smach: 1.1.26-0 -> 1.1.29-0
 * ros-indigo-rosgraph: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-roslang: 1.11.5-0 -> 1.11.6-0
 * ros-indigo-roslaunch: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-roslib: 1.11.5-0 -> 1.11.6-0
 * ros-indigo-roslint: 0.9.2-1 -> 0.9.3-0
 * ros-indigo-roslz4: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-rosmake: 1.11.5-0 -> 1.11.6-0
 * ros-indigo-rosmaster: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-rosmsg: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-rosnode: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-rosout: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-rosparam: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-rospatlite: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-rosping: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-rospy: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-rospy-tutorials: 0.5.1-1 -> 0.5.2-0
 * ros-indigo-rosservice: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-rostest: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-rostime: 0.5.4-0 -> 0.5.5-0
 * ros-indigo-rostopic: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-rostwitter: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-rosunit: 1.11.5-0 -> 1.11.6-0
 * ros-indigo-roswtf: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-rtabmap: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.8.0-0
 * ros-indigo-rtabmap-ros: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.8.0-0
 * ros-indigo-saphari-msgs: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-scanning-table-msgs: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-schunk-description: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-schunk-libm5api: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-schunk-modular-robotics: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-schunk-powercube-chain: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-schunk-sdh: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-schunk-simulated-tactile-sensors: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
 * ros-indigo-self-test: 1.8.4-0 -> 1.8.6-0
 * ros-indigo-settlerlib: 0.10.12-0 -> 0.10.13-0
 * ros-indigo-sherlock-sim-msgs: 0.0.3-0 -> 0.0.3-1
 * ros-indigo-sklearn: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-speech-recognition-msgs: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-stereo-image-proc: 1.12.11-0 -> 1.12.12-0
 * ros-indigo-test-diagnostic-aggregator: 1.8.4-0 -> 1.8.6-0
 * ros-indigo-tf: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
 * ros-indigo-tf-conversions: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
 * ros-indigo-tf2: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0
 * ros-indigo-tf2-bullet: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0
 * ros-indigo-tf2-geometry-msgs: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0
 * ros-indigo-tf2-kdl: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0
 * ros-indigo-tf2-msgs: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0
 * ros-indigo-tf2-py: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0
 * ros-indigo-tf2-ros: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0
 * ros-indigo-tf2-tools: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0
 * ros-indigo-tf2-web-republisher: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.3.0-0
 * ros-indigo-topic-tools: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0
 * ros-indigo-turtle-concert: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.4-0
 * ros-indigo-turtle-tf: 0.2.0-0 -> 0.2.1-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot: 2.3.0-0 -> 2.3.4-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-bringup: 2.3.0-0 -> 2.3.4-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-capabilities: 2.3.0-0 -> 2.3.4-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlebot-description: 2.3.0-0 -> 2.3.4-0
 * ros-indigo-turtlesim: 0.5.1-1 -> 0.5.2-0
 * ros-indigo-virtual-force-publisher: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-vision-opencv: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
 * ros-indigo-voice-text: 1.0.54-0 -> 1.0.58-0
 * ros-indigo-wpi-jaco: 0.0.9-0 -> 0.0.11-0
 * ros-indigo-wpi-jaco-msgs: 0.0.9-0 -> 0.0.11-0
 * ros-indigo-wpi-jaco-wrapper: 0.0.9-0 -> 0.0.11-0
 * ros-indigo-xmlrpcpp: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0

Removed Packages [9]:
- ros-indigo-cob-teleop-cob4
- ros-indigo-desire-description
- ros-indigo-ipa-canopen-core
- ros-indigo-ipa-canopen-ros
- ros-indigo-ira-photonfocus-driver
- ros-indigo-nao-driver
- ros-indigo-nao-msgs
- ros-indigo-nao-sensors
- ros-indigo-yocs-ar-pair-approach

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS
community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the
following maintainers:
 * AI Robotics
 * Alexander Bubeck
 * Alexander Tiderko
 * Alwin Heerklotz
 * Andrei Haidu
 * Austin Hendrix
 * Ben Charrow
 * Benjamin Maidel
 * Brice Rebsamen
 * Bryce Vondervoort
 * Carnegie Robotics
 * Daiki Maekawa
 * Dan Lazewatsky
 * Daniel Stonier
 * David Kent
 * David V. Lu!!
 * Denis Štogl
 * Dirk Thomas
 * Donguk Lee
 * Dongwook Lee
 * Esteve Fernandez
 * Felix Messmer
 * Ferenc Balint-Benczedi
 * Florian Mirus
 * Florian Weisshardt
 * Florian Weisshardt, Maximilian Sieber
 * Georg Bartels
 * Ioan Sucan
 * Isaac IY Saito
 * Isaac Isao Saito
 * Jan Fischer
 * Jan Winkler
 * Jihoon Lee
 * John Hsu
 * Jonathan Bohren
 * Jorge Santos
 * Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
 * Joshua Hampp
 * KazutoMurase
 * Kei OKada
 * Kei Okada
 * Maintained by Carnegie Robotics LLC
 * Manos Tsardoulias
 * Marcus Liebhardt
 * Markus Bader
 * Martin Günther
 * Mathias Luedtke
 * Mathias Lüdtke
 * Mathieu Labbe
 * Matthias Gruhler
 * Mehdi Tlili
 * Melonee Wise
 * Michael Ferguson
 * Mike Purvis
 * Mitchell Wills
 * Nadia Hammoudeh Garcia
 * Noda Shintaro
 * Prasenjit Mukherjee
 * Russell Toris
 * Ryan Gariepy
 * Ryohei Ueda
 * Sachin Chitta
 * Severin Lemaignan
 * Shohei Fujii
 * Séverin Lemaignan
 * Takuya Nakaoka
 * Thiago de Freitas
 * Tom Moore
 * Tully Foote
 * Vincent Rabaud
 * Vladimir Ermakov
 * William Woodall
 * Yan Ma
 * Yohei Kakiuchi
 * YoheiKakiuchi
 * Yuki Furuta
 * Yusuke Furuta
 * ferenc
 * ferko
 * furuta
 * jworch
 * k-okada
 * kent
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