[ros-users] New driver for DepthSense DS325 3D Camera

G.A. vd. Hoorn - 3ME g.a.vanderhoorn at tudelft.nl
Sun May 3 17:47:58 UTC 2015

On 28/04/15 23:15, Walter "Myzhar" Lucetti via ros-users wrote:
> Hi all,
> if someone is searching for a driver for the DepthSense DS325 RGB-D
> time-to-flight camera, I'm glad to say that the first working version of it
> is available on Github:
> https://github.com/Myzhar/ros_depthsense_camera
> At this stage the driver can correctly publish RGB videostream, Simple XYZ
> Pointcloud and RGB XYZ Pointcloud.
> One of the strenght of my driver is the fact that it does not use neither
> OpenCV nor PCL libraries.
> It publishes only  sensor_msg::pointcloud2 and sensor_msg::Image messages.
> The next step will be the porting on CUDA of the heaviest function like the
> RGB to XYZ mapping and the use of the builtin accelerometer to compensate
> robot asset.
> I will also write the code to simulate a 2D laser scanner to provide full
> information... if requested.
> All this with an eye on the use of 100% of the potential of NVidia Jetson
> TK1...
> Any comment or debug will be really appreciated

Walter; could you comment on what the greatest strengths of your driver 
are when compared with the 'softkinetic' package [1]? That package seems 
to target the same hardware. It does use PCL though.


[1] https://github.com/ipa320/softkinetic

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