[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Next Generation ROS] Ament Build -test failed

Arunava Nag ros.discourse at gmail.com
Tue Dec 19 07:07:52 UTC 2017


Hi I did run : `ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp_native talker`  which i believe is using fastrtps and the output is as below: 

    [INFO] [talker_native]: eprosima::fastrtps::Participant * 33898080
    [INFO] [talker_native]: eprosima::fastrtps::Publisher * 42375136
    [INFO] [talker_native]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 1'
    [INFO] [talker_native]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 2'
    [INFO] [talker_native]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 3'
    [INFO] [talker_native]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 4'
    [INFO] [talker_native]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 5'
    [INFO] [talker_native]: Publishing: 'Hello World: 6'

I am attaching the log for the test_results ( sorry had to make it a .pdf to support the website format: <a class="attachment" href="/uploads/ros/original/2X/b/bed9bdb319b2d9cea3c8ceb18e643e73f3c55de8.pdf">test_results.pdf</a> (37.7 KB)

I see it failing for the fastrtps examples too on running `ament build test_results <path_to_my_build_folder>`

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