[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Next Generation ROS] Cartographer and Navigation workable in beta2?

Jwang11 ros.discourse at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 01:35:41 UTC 2017

I am trying to reproduce cartographer demo following the instructions in https://github.com/ros2/turtlebot2_demo. And I use ros1_bridge and rviz to visualize the slam. However, I can't see anything in rivz, and in ros1_bridge, I can see a lot of error:

failed to create 2to1 bridge for topic '/tf' with ROS 2 type 'tf2_msgs/TFMessage' and ROS 1 type '': No template specialization for the pair
check the list of supported pairs with the `--print-pairs` option
failed to create 2to1 bridge for topic '/tf_static' with ROS 2 type 'tf2_msgs/TFMessage' and ROS 1 type '': No template specialization for the pair

I have also tried talker/listener sample using ros1_bridge, both direction work fine.

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