[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Packaging and Release Management/Indigo] Preparing for Indigo sync #2 in 2017-06

Tully Foote ros.discourse at gmail.com
Wed Jun 14 19:24:55 UTC 2017

In general we try to run syncs every 2 weeks. Sometimes if there's known issues or other activities going on it can stretch out to a month or so between syncs.

If you'd like a package to be in the next sync, please make an effort to push it out as soon as it's ready such that it will get soak time in the testing repository before being deployed. 

The goal of having the periodic syncs from testing to main is that the code gets time to be tested. So we don't want the sync announcements to trigger a flurry of releases. As such as soon as we start preparing for a sync optimally there would be no new packages released except for fixes to regressions identified in testing. We generally don't enforce this, but practice this for core packages doing our best to make new releases shortly after syncs to give as much testing time as possible before the full public release.

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