[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [General] Zenoh: zero network overhead protocol

Angelo Corsaro ros.discourse at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 21:53:20 UTC 2017

Dear All,

I wanted to let you know that we have just released under **Apache 2** a peer-to-peer implementation of our   **zenoh** protocol called Zeno-He (Zenoh Helium). This implementation fits in about 1KByte of RAM and has 4 bytes wire overhead. This implementation not only is incredibly resource efficient but it is also blazing fast as it delivers incredible point-to-point throughput and low latency. 

The project website is available at [http://zenoh.io](http://zenoh.io) and the source code at [https://github.com/atolab/Zeno-He](https://github.com/atolab/Zeno-He). 

We will be releasing a brokering system by the end of the year, likewise we be glad to help-out integrating **zenoh** as one of the protocols supported by ROS2. This could allow to bring ROS2 on micro-controllers!

**N.B.** For those of you that are familiar with XRCE, **zenoh** is the protocol we are proposing for standardisation. But as the standard is not finalised yet, we will keep referring it as **zenoh**.


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