[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Next Generation ROS] Test Framework in ROS2

fkromer ros.discourse at gmail.com
Sat Sep 16 11:08:50 UTC 2017

I could not find any information about a "ROS node unit and integration" test framework in ROS2 (an equivalent to rostest in ROS1).

According to [Developer Guide - Testing (ros2 wiki)](https://github.com/ros2/ros2/wiki/Developer-Guide#testing) "Library unit testing (level 1)" is done with gtest, unittest, nosetest (mainline C++ and Python) [like in ROS1](http://wiki.ros.org/UnitTesting).

But what about "ROS node unit testing (level 2)" and "ROS node integration testing (level 3)"? In ROS1 people ended up to develop custom solutions to do ROS node unit and integration testing because the [restrictions and lack of useability of rostest](https://answers.ros.org/question/215600/how-can-i-run-roscore-from-python/?answer=215631#post-id-215631), [lack of generic tests nodes](https://answers.ros.org/question/264091/ros-node-unit-testing/), etc.

**BTW:** In ROS2 new [Package Categories](https://github.com/ros2/ros2/wiki/Developer-Guide#package-categories) are used to define requirements w.r.t. to testing specific to the "criticality" of ROS2 packages. I like that concept...

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