[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Next Generation ROS] ROS2 support: ROS Answers?

Tully Foote ros.discourse at gmail.com
Mon Sep 18 09:03:47 UTC 2017

While we've been doing agile development with a small community we've been suggesting questions on the discussion forums here as it's specifically scoped so we haven't reached the point of being overwhelmed by the volume. However as the user base grows this will change.

Indeed I agree that in the long run we should be using answers.ros.org there will be a long time with hybrid systems. I'm not sure that segregating based on the top level URLs will be particularly helpful and will lead to a lot of questions needing to be refiled on the other tracker, versus just an updated tag. A lot of this can be helped out by a little effort of curation, with tags and being able to give feedback to the people asking questions to help them ask good questions.

We went through this process with ROS1. In the early days it was more convenient to be on the mailing lists. But at some point the question volume overflows and single channel and the searchability and parallelization and tagging curation becomes important and allows specialization. Part of the value of keeping things in a single stream is that we're still making cross cutting changes etc so there is significant value to having everyone listen to the same channel, so that everyone stays aware of what's going on with the other parts as they're not as isolated as they would be in a more stable phase of the project.

So at some point we'll have to switch away from the questions here on the forums and go back to tagged questions approach. But for now I think we're still ok with things here.

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