[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [General] ROS N Turtle Naming Brainstorm

ruffsl ros.discourse at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 19:02:58 UTC 2018

+1 for Noble! I like the connotation that a Noble robot inspires:

> Definition of noble
nobler play  \n-b(-)lr\; noblest play  \n-b(-)lst\
1 a : possessing outstanding qualities : illustrious was a noble king
b : famous, notable noble deeds
a : possessing outstanding qualities : illustrious was a noble king
b : famous, notable noble deeds
2 : of high birth or exalted rank : aristocratic
 my sire is of a noble line  Samuel Taylor Coleridge
noble families
3 a : possessing very high or excellent qualities or properties noble wine
b : very good or excellent
See that there be a noble supper provided  R. B. Sheridan
4 : grand or impressive especially in appearance noble edifice a noble cathedral
5 : possessing, characterized by, or arising from superiority of mind or character or of ideals or morals : lofty a noble ambition a noble cause


*Our noble and knightly turtle, gallantly commanding our robot's software stack! 


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