[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [General] Using OpenSplice in a custom project linking to ROS2

Ian Karp ros.discourse at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 00:47:45 UTC 2018

Hello everyone,

I have created a Visual Studio 2015 C++ project that uses both OpenCV and the latest version of ROS2 Ardent Apalone and currently have no issues compiling and running when the DDS is the default, Fast RTPS. Unfortunately I have been running into an error when I try to use OpenSplice. The .lib files and .dll files for both are copied to the same folder where the .exe for the project is located and are also linked to in a separate folder in the project directory.

To use OpenSplice, I've been setting the global variable RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_opensplice_cpp. The project compiles, but when I try to run it I get an error during the delay load helper routines (which I'm assuming occurs when trying to load the OpenSplice libraries).

Any help would be extremely appreciated!


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