[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Next Generation ROS] Support for Secure publish subscribe messaging such as Open DDS for use in robotic swarms

Dirk Thomas ros.discourse at gmail.com
Fri Feb 9 23:32:33 UTC 2018

[quote="Fierozen, post:1, topic:3933"]
Does ROS use Open DDS (Real time publish subscribe (RTPS)) for communication? I have heard that it does. However, Open DDS does not yet support the Secure portion of the specification.

Can you please clarify if you are referring specifically to [Open DDS](http://opendds.org/) project which provides one implementation of the DDS specification or to DDS as a standard in general?

ROS 2 has an abstraction layer for the communication - the [ROS middleware interface](http://design.ros2.org/articles/ros_middleware_interface.html) (RMW). For that interface multiple implementations exist:

* Officially supported in the latest release ([Ardent Apalone](https://github.com/ros2/ros2/wiki/Release-Ardent-Apalone)):

  * FastRTPS from eProsima
  * Connext from RTI
    * both of them support (at least parts of) the DDS Security specification
  * OpenSplice from ADLINK

* Other RMW implementations contributed by the community (which I am aware of):

  * CoreDX from TwinOaks
  * OPC UA

I am not aware of any RMW implementation based on "Open DDS".

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