[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [ROS Projects] Tractobots, my attempts at field robots

Al ros.discourse at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 19:11:57 UTC 2018

I'm going through your code on GitHub and trying to understand the physical connection of your GPS and IMU.  I'm coming from a Pixhawk, RTK, motor controlled steering using Python and Dronekit on my JD5055, but new to ROS.  I've been unhappy with my attempt using PurePursuit and wanted to try and replicate what you have done.  I was thinking step one for me was getting a simple publisher, subscriber working with the GPS and IMU.  In trying to reverse engineer the physical connections I have found "gps_nmea = GPS_NMEA(port='/dev/gps_nmea')" in NV08C_node.py.  I also found "imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu', Imu, queue_size=10)" in imu_publisher.py.  Q1: Where is "gps_nmea" set and/or where is the GPS connected to your companion computer?  Q2: I see in your code where the imu is published, but I can't work backwards to see where it is connected.  Can you help?  I'll have more, but that would be enough to get me started on replicating your very impressive success.  Al in Texas

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