[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [General] ROSDUCT: expose remote ROS topics, services and parameters locally thru rosbridge

Asmodehn ros.discourse at gmail.com
Tue Mar 6 08:33:03 UTC 2018


I m quite curious, as this relates with https://github.com/pyros-dev things...

A few questions :
1. why keep the json (rosbridge) conversion in there ? It introduces delays, and can be in some cases unneeded (like when someone tries to connect to ROS through MQTT for example)
The "ROS not required part" is indeed interesting but this could be done without all the web things... not sure if it would be "better" though, but this is one of the pyros intents, treat the web as an option, not the core. 

3. While we start to see a few solutions popping up for ros interoperability over the network, it would be good to have some objective metrics to compare them, even if one is not familiar with ROS or network intricacies... There is the usual network metrics (speed, bandwidth), but not only... we could imagine other metrics such as resistance to disconnection, speed of connection, etc. maybe something similar to usual game servers ? 
Any idea about that ?

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