[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [General] New packages for ROS 2 Ardent 2018-07-20

nguyenhaongnam ros.discourse at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 23:43:13 UTC 2018

Were happy to announce 5 new packages and 6 updated packages for Ardent.

Full details are below.

Thank you to all the maintainers and contributors who make these packages available for everyone to use.

## Package Updates for ardent

### Added Packages [5]:

* ros-ardent-desktop: 0.4.0-1

* ros-ardent-ros-base: 0.4.0-1

* ros-ardent-ros-core: 0.4.0-1

* ros-ardent-turtlebot2-demo: 0.4.1-0

* ros-ardent-vision-msgs: 1.0.0-0

### Updated Packages [6]:

* ros-ardent-depthimage-to-pointcloud2: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0

* ros-ardent-turtlebot2-amcl: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0

* ros-ardent-turtlebot2-cartographer: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0

* ros-ardent-turtlebot2-drivers: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0

* ros-ardent-turtlebot2-follower: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0

* ros-ardent-turtlebot2-teleop: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0

### Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

* Adam Allevato

* Chris Lalancette

* D. Hood

* Mikael Arguedas


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