[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Next Generation ROS] Rosbag in ROS2

karsten ros.discourse at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 17:44:43 UTC 2018

In its current form you can record, replay and get some basic info about rosbags. It's not released, so you have to build it yourself from source, but we're aiming to have rosbags part of the upcoming Crystal release.

once compiled, it extends the `ros2cli` with the verb `bag`. So that you can run:
ros2 bag record -a   #record all topics

ros2 bag play <bag_file>  #replay recorded bag file

ros2 bag info <bag_file>  #print information of a bag file

Currently, it's using SQLite3 as a storage backend by default, but the storage API is flexible enough to load various storage backends via pluginlib. One of these backends will hopefully be ROS1. The idea here is to load ROS1 data from existing ROS1 bags and convert them to ROS2 via the static ros1bridge.

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