[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Next Generation ROS] Latency and throughput in ROS2

Víctor Mayoral Vilches ros.discourse at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 09:41:20 UTC 2018

Here's another update: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.02595.pdf

> **Towards a distributed and real-time framework for robots: evaluation of ROS 2.0 communications for real-time robotic applications**
> In this work we present an experimental setup to show the suitability of ROS 2.0 for real-time robotic applications. We disclose an evaluation of ROS 2.0 communications in a robotic inter-component (hardware) communication case on top of Linux. We benchmark and study the worst case latencies and missed deadlines to characterize ROS 2.0 communications for real-time applications. We demonstrate experimentally how computation and network congestion impacts the communication latencies and ultimately, propose a setup that, under certain conditions, mitigates these delays and obtains bounded traffic.

Compared to other results:
- All the measurements have been made in embedded devices.
- We measure latencies in a inter-component scenario. Given the lack of synchronization mechanisms (in this particular work we did not set them up), we use round-trip (ping-pong). 
- Previous work focuses on the measurement of local latencies while we measure distributed ones. 
- We measure how communications are affected in stressed conditions. This is the best way to show if the communication stack is well configured for real-time (which connects to previous work https://discourse.ros.org/t/latency-and-throughput-in-ros2/4367/11?u=vmayoral and https://discourse.ros.org/t/latency-and-throughput-in-ros2/4367/3?u=vmayoral).

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