[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [General] ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes: September 6th, 2018

Tully Foote ros.discourse at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 21:45:07 UTC 2018

# ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes: September 6th, 2018

-   Attendees:

    -   Open Robotics: Brian, Louise, Dirk, Tully

    -   Amazon: Doug

    -   Apex: Dejan

    -   ARM: Matt S

    -   Bosch: Karsten

    -   Intel: Matthew, Peter

    -   LG: Seonman

    -   MIcrosoft: Stuart

    -   TARDEC: Calvin, Matt D

    -   TRI: Allison

## Charter Document

-   Proposal: Approve revised charter

    -   [*ROS TSC Charter 0.4*](https://discourse-cdn-sjc2.com/standard17/uploads/ros/original/2X/5/51feec4148e3c458856526ad4bcf44d9912c4c9a.pdf)

    -   Vote:

        -   **Approved**: All approved, no objections

-   Proposal: Approve public announcement via Discourse of TSC existence, charter, and membership

    -   To be echoed as blog post at [*http://ros.org/news*](http://ros.org/news) and [*https://www.openrobotics.org/blog*](https://www.openrobotics.org/blog).

    -   Just a simple blog post, not a full press release.

## DCO

-   Proposal: Approve use of standard DCO ([*https://developercertificate.org/*](https://developercertificate.org/))

    -   On the following repos:

        -   All repos in the .repos file that is used to build a ROS 2 release

            -   Exception might be forks of third-party repos (e.g. \`uncrustify\`)

    -   Dirk to lead process:

        -   Do announcement on Discourse

            -   Explain rationale, say that well take comments now and at ROSCon

        -   Flip the switch(es) on the repos

    -   Brian to check with LF on process for retroactive application of DCO to existing code.

    -   Using the DCO probot ([*https://github.com/probot/dco*](https://github.com/probot/dco)) developed by Linux Foundation

    -   Boschs DCO is based on OSDL

        -   The explicit license check in important to worry about

        -   From Boschs point of view dont think using LFs DCO is a blocker.

    -   Vote:

        -   **Approved**: All approved, no objections

## Update: status on ROS trademark

-   Discussion revived with Open Robotics legal counsel

## Crystal roadmap update:

  -   New proposed feature list

      -   Share the document and make it editable for others to contribute

  -   Proposal:

      -   Make Crystal LTS

          -   2 years of support, with patch releases

          -   Recommend for use with indoor mobile robots

      -   Would like companies to review the elements and sign up for line items to target for Crystal

      -   How should we make comments?

          -   Well follow up on discourse with a way to start the discussion online.

##  Other topics:

-   When will ROS1 be EOLd?

    -   Its been discussed but dont know when this will happen.

    -   It would be good to have a tentative plan for migration. The longer people can use ROS1 the less motivated they will be to move to ROS2.

        -   There will be pushback, but it will at least get the conversation going.

    -   What is enough coverage for making ROS2 primary?

    -   What is an LTS for us?

        -   5 years for ROS1

        -   2 years for ROS2 for now, will likely extend to 5 years in the future.

-   Open Robotics role

    -   As we grow the contributing team the Open robotics team has been requested to be more active in working groups and design and planning instead of directly focusing on direct contributions.

        -   Dejan: Thats a good idea, but the whole plan seems overly aggressive.

 -   Next meeting?

     -   6 weeks? Maybe mid october

     -   Meeting at ROSCon?

         -   **Action**: Tully and Brian will look at options.


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