[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [General] ROSCon 2018 Informal Meetings of Special Interest Groups

Ricardo Tellez ros.discourse at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 15:01:44 UTC 2018

<h2>Reproducibility in robotics by using ROS</h2>

**What**: How can we reproduce robotics results?

**When:** On Sunday, 18:30 after the always funny closing remarks by @rgariepy 

**Where:** At The Construct booth #17

**How to find us:** just go to the booth n.17

**Agenda:** we are going to discuss about how can we have an environment for reproducing robotics results and benchmark them. Questions to answer:
1. Is ROS a good framework for reproducibility of robotics results?
2. Should reproducibility be based on bags, simulations or real robots?
3.  Should we concentrate on reproducibility for a very specific robotics problem first, and then attack all other problems, or should we generate a common framework for any type of robotics problems?
4. How can we learn about reproducibility in other domains of science?

**Atention** we will record the whole audio discussion and publish it on the [ROS Developers Podcast](http://www.theconstructsim.com/category/ros_developers_podcast/). I will act as moderator to ensure that we deal with all the points.

[Visit Topic](https://discourse.ros.org/t/roscon-2018-informal-meetings-of-special-interest-groups/6151/11) or reply to this email to respond.

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