[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [ROS-Industrial] Using the Motoman SDA20D Dual-arms DX100 ROS Interface(Indigo)

Sinaí Aranda ros.discourse at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 23:34:22 UTC 2019


I have this problem that before not has.




In the joint states show that torso_b1:

> header: 

>   seq: 40365

>   stamp: 

>     secs: 1546901453

>     nsecs: 720045395

>   frame_id: ''

> name: [torso_joint_b1]

> position: [1.5380859252900336e-08]

> velocity: [0.0]

> effort: []

The position in real robot is 180 grades in joint state b1 is 1.5380859252900336e-081e-08.

Now create a new workspace, I clone motoman driver and insdustrial core, the same motoman sda20 package, and I install motoros dx100_181 again. I have the same error.


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