[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Autoware/Autoware Simulator Project] I can't use the Autoware to control the LGSVL Simulator.

Nikola Maxwell via Discourse.ros.org ros.discourse at gmail.com
Thu Mar 7 11:25:03 UTC 2019

Here is my environment.
* Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic.
* Autoware.AI Ver.1.10.0 in the docker.
* LG SVL Simulator 2019.01 and 2018.12-rc1

Here are my configurations of LG SVL Simulator.
![Screenshot%20from%202019-03-07%2016-48-33|690x406](upload://1ePE5PowRsblXGKnunQMafRKin4.jpeg) ![Screenshot%20from%202019-03-07%2016-49-12|690x406](upload://kR2yCIrCCJLkB8HAz6O759Mgzp1.jpeg) 

Here are my configurations of Autoware Runtime Manager.
[Uploading: Screenshot from 2019-03-07 16-49-31.png...]() [Uploading: Screenshot from 2019-03-07 16-50-21.png...]() [Uploading: Screenshot from 2019-03-07 16-50-41.png...]() [Uploading: Screenshot from 2019-03-07 16-51-43.png...]() 

Here are the screenshots of RQt.
[Uploading: rosgraph_nodes.png...]() [Uploading: rosgraph_tf.png...]() 

But there are nothing in the RViz, I can't use Autoware to control the simulator.
[Uploading: Screenshot from 2019-03-07 16-52-52.png...]() 

I wonder to get some help. Thank you very much. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


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